Asking questions.

Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Ask a question to the sentence.
Policemen were speaking very fast on the phone yesterday. (When?)
Вопрос 2
Ask a question to the sentence.
Tom had written a letter by 6 o'clock. (What?)
Вопрос 3
Ask a question to the sentence.
He has been to this theatre many times. (How many?)
Варианты ответов
- How many times
- has he been
- to
- this theatre?
Вопрос 4
Ask a question to the sentence.
They walk a lot at the weekend. (Разделительный вопрос)
Вопрос 5
Ask a question to the sentence.
The police officer phoned his boss after lunch. (Общий вопрос)
Вопрос 6
Ask a question to the sentence.
The policemen arrest the robber. (Who?)
Вопрос 7
Ask a question to the sentence.
Jane has got a headache because my neighbours are listening to music too much. (Why?)
Вопрос 8
Ask a question to the sentence.
Policemen were speaking very fast on the phone yesterday. (When?)
Варианты ответов
- When
- were
- policemen
- speaking very fast
- on the phone?
Вопрос 9
Ask a question to the sentence.
Tom had written a letter by 6 o'clock. (What?)
Вопрос 10
Ask a question to the sentence.
He has been to this theatre many times. (How many?)
Вопрос 11
Ask a question to the sentence.
They walk a lot at the weekend. (Разделительный вопрос)
Варианты ответов
- They walk a lot at the weekend, do they?
- They walk a lot at the weekend, don't they?
- They walk a lot at the weekend, aren't they?
- They walk a lot at the weekend, haven't they?
- They walk a lot at the weekend, didn't they?
- They walk a lot at the weekend, won't they?
Вопрос 12
Ask a question to the sentence.
The police officer phoned his boss after lunch. (Общий вопрос)
Варианты ответов
- How did the police officer phone his boss after lunch?
- Did the police officer phone his boss after lunch?
- What did the police officer phone his boss after lunch?
- Why did the police officer phone his boss after lunch?
Вопрос 13
Ask a question to the sentence.
The police officer phoned his boss after lunch. (Общий вопрос)
Варианты ответов
- Did
- the police officer
- phone
- his boss
- after lunch?
Вопрос 14
Ask a question to the sentence.
The policemen arrest the robber. (Who?)
Варианты ответов
- Who
- arrests
- the robber
- ?
Вопрос 15
Ask a question to the sentence.
The policemen arrest the robber. (Who?)
Варианты ответов
- Who arrests the robber?
- Who did arrests the robber?
- Who was arrest the robber?
- Who had arrests the robber?
- Who will be arrested by the robber?
Вопрос 16
Ask a question to the sentence.
Jane has got a headache because my neighbours are listening to music too much. (Why?)
Варианты ответов
- Why Jane had got a headache?
- Why has Jane got a headache?
- Why did Jane got a headache?
- Why was Jane got a headache?
- Why had Jane got a headache?
- Why hasn't Jane got a headache?
Вопрос 17
Ask a question to the sentence.
Jane has got a headache because my neighbours are listening to music too much. (Why?)
Варианты ответов
- Why
- has
- Jane
- got a headache?
Вопрос 18
Ask a polite question.
Извините пожалуйста, не могли бы вы мне сказать, где находится ближайшее отделение полиции.
Варианты ответов
- Excuse me please,
- could you tell me
- where
- the nearest
- police station
- is.
Вопрос 19
Ask a polite question.
Извините пожалуйста, не могли бы вы мне сказать, где находится ближайшее отделение полиции.
- excuse me please,
- where the nearest
- could you tell me
- police station
- is.
Вопрос 20
Ask a question to the sentence.
Tom had written a letter by 6 o'clock. (Вопрос к подлежащему)
Вопрос 21
Ask a question to the sentence.
Tom had written a letter by 6 o'clock. (Вопрос к подлежащему). Выберите все слова для данного вопроса.
Варианты ответов
- wrote
- Where
- Why
- Who
- had
- did
- was
- write
- written
- a letter by 6 o'clock?
Вопрос 22
Ask a question to the sentence.
Tom had written a letter by 6 o'clock. (Вопрос к подлежащему)
Варианты ответов
- Who
- had
- written
- a letter
- by 6 o'clock?