2 module
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
At patient on the 5th day of postpartum period suddenly there was an increasing of the temperature. The body temperature is 38,5oС, mammaryglandsarenormal, lactationissatisfied. Signsofperotonealirritationareabcent. Inpelvicexaminationpurulentexcretionsfromtheuterusarepresent, uterusissoftinpainfullinpalpation. Theuterusisincreased, soft, painfulinpalpation.Whatisthemostprobablediagnosis?
Варианты ответов
- Endometritis
- Peritonitis
- Pelvioperitonitis
- Mastitis
- Lochiometra
Вопрос 2
- Postpartum patient 25 years, V day of puerperal period. Labor I, delivered by the operation of cesarean section, indication – clinically contracted pelvis. At the examination a tongue is dry, fever – body temperature is 38,5oC, Ps – 120, BP – 100/50 mm Hg. Breathing is speed-up, superficial. Abdomen is acutely painful, bloating. Shchotcin’ symptom is positive. Vomiting. Gases are not depart. Excretion from vagina are purulent with an unpleasant smell. What diagnosis is most credible?
Варианты ответов
- Septicemia
- Puerperal thrombophlebitis
- Septic shock
- The puerperal peritonitis
- Puerperal pelvioperitonitis
Вопрос 3
Postpartum patient C. on 4th day after labor complains about the rise of body temperature, general weakness, pains in lower part of abdomen. Preterm rupture of amniotic fluid was happaned. 72 hours without amniotic fluid. Uterus is on 4 cm below umbilicus, soft. On ultrasound the signs of endometritis are found. What is the reason of complication?
Варианты ответов
- a) The protracted amniotic fluid less period.
- b) Premature labor
- c) Hypotonic uterine contractions
- d) Epiziotomy
Вопрос 4
In the woman of the first day after labor the rise of temperature up to 39oС was registered. The rupture of the fetal membranes has taken place 36 hours prior to labor. The investigation of the bacterial flora of cervix of the uterus revealed – hemolytic streptococcus of agroup A. The uterine body is soft, tender. Discharges are bloody, with a pus. Establish the most probable postnatal complication
Варианты ответов
- a) Thrombophlebitis of veins of the pelvis
- b) Metroendometritisis
- c) Infected hematoma
- d) Infective contamination of the urinary system
- e) Endometritisis
Вопрос 5
Which is the following drug is not a 1st line treatment for an anovulatory abnormal uterine bleeding in a 13 year old
Варианты ответов
- A. Progesterone
- B. Estroge + progesterone
- C. Tranexamic acid
- D. Mefenamic Acid
Вопрос 6
Which of the following treatment for menorrhagia is not supported by evidence
Варианты ответов
- A. Tranexamic acid
- B. Ethamsylate
- C. Combined OCP
- D. Progesterone
Вопрос 7
In cystic glandular hyperplasia what is seen
Варианты ответов
- A. Hypomenorrhea
- B. Normal menstrual bleeding
- C. Amnorrhea and bleeding
- D. None
Вопрос 8
Cystoglandular hyperplasia seen in
Варианты ответов
- A. Menorrhagia
- B. Polymenorrhea
- C. Oligimenorrhea
- D. Metropathica hemorrhagica
Вопрос 9
Persistent anovulation not treated leads to all except
Варианты ответов
- A. Hirsutism
- B. Ovarian CA
- C. Endometrial cancer
- D. Inc risk of CVS diseases
Вопрос 10
Which is the following is an example of estrogen withdrwawl bleeding
Варианты ответов
- A. Mestrual cycle
- B. Anovulatory DUB
- C. Midcycle bleeding
- D. Progeserone only contraceptive
Вопрос 11
A 45 years old lady presented with recurrent uterine bleeding. On TVS thickness of endometrium was found to be 8 mm. What should be the next step in yhe management of this patient
Варианты ответов
- A. Histopathology
- B. Hysterectomy
- C. Progesterone
- D. OCP
Вопрос 12
Treatment for 32 years old multipara with DUB
Варианты ответов
- A. Danazol
- B. Endometrial ablation
- C. Progesterone
- D. Prostaglandins
- E. Hysterectomy
Вопрос 13
Initial evaluation in adolescent abnormal uterine bleeding except
Варианты ответов
- A. Platelete count
- B. Hemogram
- C. USG
- D. D and C
Вопрос 14
The mc histological finding of endometrium in DUB is
Варианты ответов
- A. Hyperplastic
- B. Hypertrophic
- C. Cystic glandular hyperplasia
- D. Dysplastic
Вопрос 15
The progesterone with greatest hemostatic effect used in DUB is
Варианты ответов
- A. Medroxyprogesterone
- B. Norethisterone
- C. Hydroxyprogesterone
- D. Dydrogesterone
Вопрос 16
Which of the following is not a feaure of DUB
Варианты ответов
- A. Menorrhagia
- B. Uterine size of 8-10 weeks
- C. Tender uterus
- D. Proliferative endometrium
Вопрос 17
Characteristic of anovulatory uterine bleeding:
Варианты ответов
- Monophasic basal temperature below 37 degrees
- Absence of s "fern" and "pupil" symptoms in the middle of the menstrual cycle
- Absence of secretory transformation of the endometrium
- All of the above
- E. None of the above
Вопрос 18
In climacteric age the medical treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding begin with:
Варианты ответов
- setting of estrogens
- diagnostic curettage of uterine cavity
- colposcopy
- setting of androgens
- setting of gestagens
Вопрос 19
What is spaniomenorrhea?
Варианты ответов
- menstruations come in 6-8 weeks
- menstruations come 1 time per 4-6 monthes
- menstruations are absent
- quantity of menstrual blood less than 50ml
Вопрос 20
Which method of gynacological examination does belong to basic?
Варианты ответов
- inspection of external genitalia
- taking of smear on a flora.
- taking of smear on oncocytology
- ultrasonic examination.
Вопрос 21
How to start a survey of gynecological patients?
Варианты ответов
- from the life history taking.
- from the disease history taking.
- from allergic anamnesis
- from professional anamnesis.
- complaints of patient.
Вопрос 22
A lady approaches a physian for contraceptive advice. On examination, there were two symmetrical ulcers on vulva, which were well defined with firm base. Which of the following is the most likely cause
Варианты ответов
- a) Chancre
- b) Syphilis
- c) Herpes
- d) Malignancy
Вопрос 23
A 25- year-old female with history of multiple contacts presenting with growth of vulva, the probable diagnosis is:
Варианты ответов
- a) Condyloma accuminata
- b) Verucca plana
- c) Verruca vulgaris
- d) Condyloma lata
Вопрос 24
Nongonococcal uretritis is caused by:
Варианты ответов
- a) Chlamidia
- b) LGV
- c) Syphilis
- d) Gardnerella vaginalis
Вопрос 25
Tell drug of choice for Chlamidia in pregnancy:
Варианты ответов
- a) Doxycycline
- b) Tetracycline
- c) Erithromycin
- d) Penicillin
Вопрос 26
Salpingitis is best confirmed by:
Варианты ответов
- a) Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy
- b) X-ray
- c) Hysterosalpingography
- d) Sonosalpingography
Вопрос 27
The most sensitive method for detecting cervical chlamidia trachomatis infection is:
Варианты ответов
- a) Direct fluorescent antibody test
- b) Enzyme immunoassay
- c) Polymerase chain reaction
- d) Culture on irradiated McConkey cells
Вопрос 28
The most common cause of tubal block is:
Варианты ответов
- a) Gonorrhoea infection
- b) Chlamadia
- c) Tuberculosis
- d) Herpes
Вопрос 29
To hypothalamic amenorrhea does not belong:
Варианты ответов
- a) psychogenic amenorrhea
- b) amenorrhea at a syndrome Shikhane
- c) amenorrhea at false pregnancy
- d) amenorrhea at adipozogenital dystrophy
Вопрос 30
A 25 years old female with a single child seeks contraceptive advice. She gives H/O clear mucoid vaginal discharge. The cervix appears inflamed on speculum examination. Her husband is working abroad and comes home once in 2 months. Which of the best contraceptive advice
Варианты ответов
- a) OCP
- b) IUCD
- c) Condom
- d) DMPA