Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Урок в 10 классе по английскому языку по Теме « Where words fail…» Где слова не нужны…….

Урок в 10 классе по английскому языку по Теме « Where words fail…» Где слова не нужны…….

Урок по теме " Music" для старших классов, урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с использованием парной и групповой работы.Материал урока направлен на тренеровку аудирования формата ЕГЭ ( рубрики), развитие навыков говорения,совершенствование навыков чтения и подтверждение значимости музыки в формировании личностных отношений.В ходе урока используется QR код, аудиофайл формата ЕГЭ в режиме on-line, музыкальный видеофайл "караоке"и дополнителный материал для чтения"The Phantom of the Opera".


Содержимое разработки

Вариант 13

Раздел 1. Аудирование


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в поле справа.

1. Writing music for the piano is the easiest task for a composer.

2. Technology can make classics sound more understandable.

3. Music is successful only if people want to listen to it regularly.

4. Teaching music to kids can give you joy.

5. Variety in genres is the key to success for me.

6. Classical music is not only for professionals or the privileged few.

7. When writing music, composers should consider several target groups.

Содержимое разработки

План урока

1 0 класс

Тема « Where words fail…» Где слова не нужны….

Цели и задачи:

Учебный аспект - тренировка навыков аудирования (понимание основного содержания прослушанного теста) формата ЕГЭ; развитие навыков горения (комментирование утверждения), совершенствование навыков чтения (полное понимание информации в тексте)

Развивающий аспект - развитие мыслительной активности, творческого воображения, развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания.

Воспитательный аспект – подтверждение значимости музыки в формировании личностных качеств.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний, с использованием технологии парной и групповой работы

Оснащение: Аудиофайлы формата ЕГЭ в режиме on line; раздаточный материал; презентация; видеофайлы песен в формате «Караоке», дополнительный материал топик «MusicandThe Phantom of the opera”,учебная линия 10 класс М.З Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушкис, Н.Д.Снежко

Ход урока

I. Определение цели урока через QR. (Quick Response!?)

Look at the screen use your gadgets and tell me what the subject of our lesson is ?

см. презентацию по данной теме

Of course MUSIC!

Music is an art which reflects the world. We’ll try to speak on the topic “Music” using trainings from the State Exam, popular songs and musicals, in other words Listening, Reading, and Speaking. I know you all listen to music, so I want you to feel relaxed and chat a little bit on that subject.

Q R. (Quick Response!?)

Cheerful feelings



Background music

Gets you relaxed



Live concert



Human emotions


To make a deep impression





Makes you smile

Calm down


Heavy metal



IІ. Организация класса.

General questions about music.A short chat.

Which of the words are unknown for you? What do they mean?

Introducing vocabulary; some of the words; Раскрыть значение слов , используя технику Eliciting and Concept Checking

Rebellious – бунтарский


Joyful- радостный

Choir- хор

Calm down- успокоиться

Работа CL to PL

PL to PL. Общие вопросы со слайда задает ученик – ученику.

Snowball activity. Ответивший уч-ся задает вопросы новому уч-ся. ( Задействовать можно 6 уч-ся)

1. Are you a fan of music?

2. Does classical music make you happy?

3. What do you think is more important in a song: the lyrics or the tune?

4. Have you ever been to a live concert?

5. Have you ever sung in a choir?

6. Do you play any musical instrument?

7. Can music help to reveal a person’s character?

8. Would you like to play in Orchestra?

9. Are you electronic music lover?

10. Do you think rock is rebellious?

11. Can be life a disaster for you without music?

12. Does rock music get you relaxed?

13. Do you turn on background music doing your homework?

III. Listening.

Тренировка навыков аудирования (понимание основного содержания прослушанного теста) формата ЕГЭ;

Используем Аудиофайлы формата ЕГЭ в режиме on line;


Сайт незнайка.ру

Вариант 13








IV. Speaking. Развитие навыков горения (комментирование утверждения)

Everyone has different ideas about music.

Here are some of them .Try to comment on the following statements:

You can use your gadgets.

Music unites people.

Music is only a combination of pleasant sounds.

Tastes differ in the world of music.

The world is changing and music is constantly changing.

Music lives forever.

Pair work.

Now work in pairs. Try to comment on the following statements. Agree or disagree. Develop the idea.Работают в паре над обсуждением одного из утверждений. Монолог одного уч-ся из пары заслушивается. Использовать слайд и раздаточный материал.

1. Music unites people.

I agree that Music unites people. There is music everywhere. People cannot live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music, and they learn to play musical instruments. Music by Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Beethoven and other great composers unites people from all over the world. Classical music lives forever. It arouses deep emotions among those who understands and feels it. Young people from different countries have the same musical tastes. They collect CDs, videos and posters of their idols.

2. Music is only a combination of pleasant sounds.

I don't agree that music is only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art, which reflects life, people's ideas and emotions. Music influences our mood and imagination, reflects our inner state and character, arouses deep emotions and makes us think. Music is also a weapon. It fights for light against darkness.

3. Tastes differ in the world of music.

Of course tastes differ in the world of music. Young people from different countries have different musical tastes. They enjoy listening to rock, blues, pop, rap, techno, hip-hop, dance music. But there is no style which is out-of-date. If we ask several people what kind of music they like, all of them will give different answers. Some music helps us feel relaxed, other types may be stimulating to the brain, some music promotes loving feelings, otherwhip us hate, jealousy, violence. I think music should be energetic, easy to remember, fantastic and unforgettable despite tastes.

4. The world is changing and music is constantly changing.

Music reflects the world. So the world is changing and music is constantly changing. In the 1920s in New Orleans beautiful music filled the streets and cafes. It was jazz, ragtime, and blues. In the 1940s and 50s new styles of music appeared. Elvis Presley became the king of rock’n’roll in the USA.

In the 1960s a new band was created in Great Britain. It was the “Beatles”. Their songs with nice music and very simple words helped them to speak about such important things as life, love, friendship and peace. In the 1970s the music became violent and aggressive. Hard rock, heavy metal and punk became popular. Bands shocked the public by their music and style. Music that developed in the 1980s was simple and unoriginal. The new music styles were played at dancing and disco clubs. The rhythm and beat became more important than the melody. In 1990s music became extremely fashionable among young people. Madonna, Michael Jackson, and “Spice Girls”, for example. At the same time powerful oppositions to the pop music appeared. Rave, techno, rap, and acid styles. . The music of the 20th century music styles mixed.

5. Music lives forever.

Some of the songs became the anthems of the past. Some modern films use the old soundtracks, remixes, because this music lives forever. Music styles mixed. Classical music lives forever. Classical music contains the powerful appeal for listeners. It addresses both our senses and intellect.

Some people say it is difficult to understand classical music

V. A minute for RELAX.





Музыкальная пауза. Поем караоке, на выбор учащихся.

VI. Group Work. Reading.

Совершенствование навыков чтения (полное понимание информации в тексте)

There are live concerts and there are popular musicals. Now work in groups.

Choose the right verb to complete a short text.

Choose the right verb to complete a short text.

freed, left, would never , knew,

lived, was captured, rushed,( бросился) find,

entered, decided, disappeared, was,

died was, travelled, knew,

marry, did, learned, was,

understood, was, realized, lived.

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom______________ in the basement of the Paris Opera House.

People who _____________the basement couldn’t ________________way out.

Who ________he? A ghost, a living being, a monster?

Only Christine ______________that the Phantom_______an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with a mask.

He ______________around the world and ________________many things,he_____________many fascinating stories and legends and he____________a great singer.

At last he __________on kidnapping (похищение) Christine and made her__________him.

When Christine____________Rauol ________who_________it: it _______ the Phantom.

Rauol ___________to the basement and______________by the Phantom.

Later the Phantom ____________that Christine_____________love him.

He____________ Christine and Rauol.

They__________Paris forever and the Phantome________alone in a quiet place.

He ____________in the basement of the Paris Opera House lonely.



















was captured


would never





Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

VI. Which kind of the work was useful and interesting for you?

QR - ?


Listening -?

Speaking (Work in Pairs)- ?

Relax- ?

Reading (Group Work)-? ( Прикрепить стикеры на доску напротив определенного вида работы)

Today you’ve worked hard at the lesson and you’ve shown good knowledge. We know that tastes differ but everybody likes music because we can’t imagine our life without it. I am sure that everything you have learnt at the lesson will be helpful in your further life.


Textbook p.41 ex 115

Содержимое разработки

Welcome to the lesson! 10 year

Welcome to the lesson!

10 year

QR . Quick  Response !?

QR . Quick Response !?

To make a deep impression Depressed Lyrics rebellious Performer Makes you smile Calm down Band Heavy metal Orchestra Headphones Human emotions reveal Cheerful feelings Unforgettable  violent Background music Gets you relaxed Joyful Incredible Live concert Soundtrack choir

To make a deep impression





Makes you smile

Calm down


Heavy metal



Human emotions


Cheerful feelings



Background music

Gets you relaxed



Live concert



Where words fail…. Где слова не нужны…  Rebellious – бунт, возмущение Reveal-раскрывать Joyful- радостный Choir- хор

Where words fail….

Где слова не нужны…

Rebellious – бунт, возмущение


Joyful- радостный

Choir- хор

General questions about music 1. Are you a fan of music? 2. Does classical music make you happy? 4. Have you ever been to a live concert? 3. What do you think is more  important in a song: the lyrics or the tune? 5. Have you ever sung in a choir ? 6. Do you play any musical instrument? 7. Can music help to reveal a person’s character? 8. Would you like to play in Orchestra? 9. Are you electronic music lover? 10. Do you think rock is rebellious ? 11. Can be life a disaster for you without music? 12. Does rock music get you relaxed? 13. Do you turn on background music doing your homework?

General questions

about music

1. Are you a fan of music?

2. Does classical music make you happy?

4. Have you ever been

to a live concert?

3. What do you think is more

important in a song:

the lyrics or the tune?

5. Have you ever sung in a choir ?

6. Do you play any musical instrument?

7. Can music help to reveal a person’s character?

8. Would you like to play in Orchestra?

9. Are you electronic music lover?

10. Do you think rock is rebellious ?

11. Can be life a disaster for you without music?

12. Does rock music get you relaxed?

13. Do you turn on background music doing your homework?

Listening Аудиофайл формата ЕГЭ в режиме on line;  https://neznaika.info/ege/english/513-variant-13.html         2  5 3 7 6 4


Аудиофайл формата ЕГЭ в режиме on line;








Speaking !  Pair work . C omment on the following statements:

Speaking ! Pair work .

C omment on the following statements:

  • Music unites people.
  • The world is changing and music is constantly changing.
  • Music is only a combination of pleasant sounds.
  • Tastes differ in the world of music.
  • Music lives forever.
Relax!!!!  Believer  Radioactive  Zombie  Centuries






Group work !  Reading “ The Phantom of the Opera”

Group work !


“ The Phantom of the Opera”

The Phantom______________ in the basement of the Paris Opera House. People who _____________the basement couldn’t ________________way out. Who ________he? A ghost, a lining being, a monster? Only Christine ______________that the Phantom_______an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with a mask. He ______________around the world and ________________many things,he_____________many fascinating stories and legends and he____________a great singer. At last he __________on kidnapping ( Christine and made her__________him. When Christine____________Rauol ________who_________it: it _______ the Phantom. Rauol ___________to the basement and______________by the Phantom. Later the Phantom ____________that Christine_____________love him. He____________ Christine and Rauol. They__________Paris forever and the Phantome________alone in a quiet place. He ____________in the basement of the Paris Opera House lonely. Choose the verbs: freed, left, would never ,knew ,lived, was captured, rushed ,( бросился ) find, entered ,decided disappeared,  was, died, was, travelled, knew, marry ,did, learned, was, understood, was, understood, lived.   The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom______________ in the basement of the Paris Opera House.

People who _____________the basement couldn’t ________________way out.

Who ________he? A ghost, a lining being, a monster?

Only Christine ______________that the Phantom_______an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with a mask.

He ______________around the world and ________________many things,he_____________many fascinating stories and legends and he____________a great singer.

At last he __________on kidnapping ( Christine and made her__________him.

When Christine____________Rauol ________who_________it: it _______ the Phantom.

Rauol ___________to the basement and______________by the Phantom.

Later the Phantom ____________that Christine_____________love him.

He____________ Christine and Rauol.

They__________Paris forever and the Phantome________alone in a quiet place.

He ____________in the basement of the Paris Opera House lonely.

Choose the verbs:

freed, left, would never ,knew ,lived, was captured,

rushed ,( бросился ) find, entered ,decided disappeared, was,

died, was, travelled, knew, marry ,did, learned, was, understood, was, understood, lived.

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom ___ lived ______ in the basement of the Paris Opera House. People who _ entered __ the basement couldn’t ____ find __way out. Who _ was _ he? A ghost, a living being, a monster? Only Christine knew at the Phantom_ was _ an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with a mask. He _ travelled _ _around the world and _ learnt __ many things, he_  knew _ many fascinating stories and legends and he ___ was _ _ great singer. At last he ___ decided _on kidnapping (похищение) Christine and made her_ marry _him. When Christine__ disappeared Rauol understood who__ did _it: it __ was _ the Phantom. Rauol __ rushed __to the basement and__ was captured __by the Phantom. Later the Phantom _ realized __that Christine__ would never __love him. He_ freed __ Christine and Rauol. They__ left _Paris forever and the Phantom___ l ived ___alone I in a quiet place. He ___ died __in the basement of the Paris Opera House lonely.           !

The Phantom ___ lived ______ in the basement of the Paris Opera House.

People who _ entered __ the basement couldn’t ____ find __way out.

Who _ was _ he? A ghost, a living being, a monster?

Only Christine knew at the Phantom_ was _ an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had

to cover his face with a mask.

He _ travelled _ _around the world and _ learnt __ many things, he_ knew _ many

fascinating stories and legends and he ___ was _ _ great singer.

At last he ___ decided _on kidnapping (похищение) Christine and made her_ marry _him.

When Christine__ disappeared Rauol understood who__ did _it: it __ was _ the Phantom.

Rauol __ rushed __to the basement and__ was captured __by the Phantom.

Later the Phantom _ realized __that Christine__ would never __love him.

He_ freed __ Christine and Rauol.

They__ left _Paris forever and the Phantom___ l ived ___alone I

in a quiet place.

He ___ died __in the basement of the Paris Opera House lonely.


Which kind of the work was useful and interesting for you?  QR - ? Questions-? Listening -? Speaking ( Work in Pairs)- ? Relax- ? Reading ( Group Work)-?

Which kind of the work was useful and interesting for you?

QR - ?


Listening -?

Speaking ( Work in Pairs)- ?

Relax- ?

Reading ( Group Work)-?

Homework Textbook p41 ex 115 (Match functions and aims of music)


Textbook p41 ex 115

(Match functions and aims of music)

Thank you very much for the lesson.

Thank you very much for the lesson.

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