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Урок английского языка "MUSIC IN OUR LIFE"

На уроке в комплексе решаются образовательные, развивающие и воспитательные задачи. Развиваются разговорные навыки, навыки чтения и письма. Активные методы работы, личностный подход помогают учащимся применять на практике изученный материал. Используемые на уроке произведения великих композиторов расширяют кругозор, приобщают учащихся к миру искусства.

Описание разработки


1. to provide reading, speaking, listening practice on the theme "Musicin our life"

2. to practice the language of communication (agreement, disagreement, compromise, giving opinions, expressing views and ideas, getting necessary information, making conclusion)

3. to develop imaginative skills, using 5 senses.

4. To develop love to wonderful world of music, English language. Accessories: cards, schemes, tables, portraits of famous composers, genre maps, music of different genres.


I. Warming up

(The teacher of music is playing a piece of Gendel's work)

1. T - (reads the quotation from "Christmas Holiday" by W. S. Maugham)

"Charly was very fond of music. He knew the delight it gave him, the pleasure, partly sensual, partly intellectual Looking into himself, to find out what exactly it was it seemed to him that it was complex of emotions, excitement and at the same time peace, love, for others and a desire to do smth. for them, a wish to be good and a delight in goodness, a pleasant feeling as though he was floating above the world and whatever happened there didn't very much matter. "

2. T - What type of music is W. S. Maugham talking about? Was music you have heard just now of this type? Is it the type of music you usually listen to?Deos this music arose any feelings inyou?

3. Today we'll speak about the influence of different types music on people in the whole and you in particular, learn to express the feelings music arouse in us, get acquainted with the works of the famous composers.

II. Oral practice

l. T - To know what kind of music you prefer to listen to let's have a short questionnaire.

You are to fill in the cards. (The example of the card is shown on the board. For example:

 - first name in the middle

 - a favourite style of music in the upper right - hand corner

 - a favourite song in the upper left - hand corner

 - a favourite group or singer in the bottom left - hand corner

 - an old song, group, or singer that they like in the bottom right - hand corner. )

2. The teacher turns some lively music( any music that will create a Party atmosphere and encourage to move) and let the students walk around, introduce themselves, and ask each other questions. Pupils should ask all the students and fill in all the given cards.

3. When the music stops, they sum the information up and report it to the class.

Ps - 1 have asked 8 students. I have learnt that. . . .

4. T - If we look at the board we can see that almost all of you named one and the same type of music. It is pop music. But what about two others? What are they? PS - They are :jazz and classical music.

T - Let's try to make genre map. a)List all types of music you can think of. The task is done in the form of storm - brain. (The teacher has her own list to add to pupils' or to help pupils if they have some difficulties. For example: New wave, punk, hard rock, rock, rock n' roll rap, reggae, blues, bluegrass, traditional, African, folk, country, muzak, opera, church hymns, gospel, chamber etc. )

  1. Students form small groups of 5 or 6 and put the names on the poster into a proximity - relationship network.
  2. Students represent their map and try to account for their positioning.

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Level: the 8 form


Objectives: 1. to provide reading, speaking, listening practice on the theme "Musicin our life"

2. to practice the language of communication (agreement, disagreement, compromise, giving opinions, expressing views and ideas, getting necessary information, making conclusion)

3.to develop imaginative skills, using 5 senses .

4.To develop love to wonderful world of music, English language. Accessories: cards, schemes, tables, portraits of famous composers, genre maps, music of different genres.


I. Warming up

(The teacher of music is playing a piece of Gendel's work)

1 .T - (reads the quotation from "Christmas Holiday" by W.S.Maugham)

"Charly was very fond of music. He knew the delight it gave him, the pleasure, partly

sensual, partly intellectual Looking into himself, to find out what exactly it was it

seemed to him that it was complex of emotions, excitement and at the same time peace,

love, for others and a desire to do smth. for them, a wish to be good and a delight in

goodness, a pleasant feeling as though he was floating above the world and whatever

happened there didn't very much matter."

2.T- What type of music is W.S.Maugham talking about? Was music you have heard

just now of this type? Is it the type of music you usually listen to?Deos this music

arose any feelings inyou?

3.Today we'll speak about the influence of different types music on people in the

whole and you in particular, learn to express the feelings music arouse in us, get

acquainted with the works of the famous composers.

II. Oral practice

l.T-To know what kind of music you prefer to listen to let's have a short questionnaire.

You are to fill in the cards.(The example of the card is shown on the board. For


-first name in the middle

-a favourite style of music in the upper right - hand corner

-a favourite song in the upper left - hand corner

-a favourite group or singer in the bottom left -hand corner

-an old song, group, or singer that they like in the bottom right - hand corner.)

Sample card №1






2. The teacher turns some lively music( any music that will create a Party atmosphere

and encourage to move) and let the students walk around, introduce themselves, and

ask each other questions. Pupils should ask all the students and fill in all the given


3.When the music stops, they sum the information up and report it to the class.

Ps -1 have asked 8 students. I have learnt that... .

4.T- If we look at the board we can see that almost all of you named one and the same

type of music. It is pop music. But what about two others? What are they? PS- They are :jazz and classical music.

T- Let's try to make genre map. a)List all types of music you can think of. The task is done in the form of storm -brain.(The teacher has her own list to add to pupils' or to help pupils if they have some difficulties. For example: New wave, punk, hard rock, rock, rock n' roll rap, reggae, blues, bluegrass, traditional, African, folk, country, muzak, opera, church hymns, gospel, chamber etc.)

  1. Students form small groups of 5 or 6 and put the names on the poster into a proximity-relationship network.

  2. Students represent their map and try to account for their positioning.

Card №2 Example:

New wave New age

Reggae POP Hard rock Band


Rock n' Roll

Jazz Bluegrass



African Gospel



Church hymns


Muzak Opera

5.T - You'll listen to pieces of music now in a certain order.

a) decide to what genre it belongs to

b) match them in the list of types of music in order you'll hear it .(Pupils work

c) match them in your map and present it to the class.( Pupils work in groups)
(Pupils listen to the following works:

I .folk music " My Bonny is over the ocean"

2.chamber music (Beethoven's composition)

3. choir "Myfanwy"

4.1irical " I love you."

5. opera "Snowmaiden"

In the cards the order is different: 1- band ,2- lyrical, 3-opera,4-chamber, 5-folk)

6.T- You 've heard 5 pieces of fine music. What did you feel while listening to it?

Use the following words to express your emotions.

Card № 3

Aggressiveness, excitement, horror, alarm, delight, sadness, ecstasy, thrill, affection, peace, love for others, a complex of emotions etc.

PS- When I was listening to folk music I feel perhaps...

7. T - As you see whatever music we listen to it has some power on us, hasn't it? Try to prove it by the text you've read at home .The table you've filled in will be helpful to At home pupils read the text " The power of music" and filled in the table ).

Card № 4


Type of music



Low- energy

Rock music

People feel hate

8.T- Now look through the text again. Underline the statements with what you agree with a green pencil, statements with what you don't agree with a red pencil. Ps - Present the statements, give the examples.

9.T- Who makes music? What makes the composers do harmful, low-energy music or high -energy music ? Ps- life-style, nature, mood, etc.

10. T- Listen to a piece of music and say who of the composers you see on the blackboard cold write such music, what could influence him.( The girl performs

"Paaskalya" on the piano, there are 4 portraits of composers on the blackboard). Ps- expresses their ideas and opinions.

ll.T - You've heard the work of the English composer Gendel. Do you know anything about this author? Now we'll work in 2 groups. 1 group will read information about Gendel out of class. The 2 group will listen to the teacher' information and make up questions. Then 2 groups gather together, ask and answer questions.

12.T- listen to one more piece of Gendel' music and then describe the music and your emotions.(pupils use the card Ks 3).

13.T-1 think you couldn't help admiring such beautiful music and get pleasure. But as you have said at the beginning of the lesson it is not type of music you usually listen to and you’ve prepared your favorite compositions. We'll listen to them after you write your home-task.

HI. Home -task IT- Next lesson we'll continue to talk about music, about our dependence on it. With the help of the questionnaire learn how much your classmates depend on music. Use card 5.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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