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Типы упражнений по английскому языку

Примеры рецептивных, репродуктивных и продуктивных упражнений на уроки английского языка.


Содержимое разработки


Рецептивные упражнения

Задание 1

Использование неопределенного артикля:

 Впиши неопределенный артикль:

____ table, ____ apple, ____ pen, ____pencil, ____elephant, ____ girl, ____ boy, ____ orange, ____ cat, ____flat, ____umbrella, ____engineer, ____teacher, ____ iron, ____ car, ____ owl, ____ doctor, ____ room, ____ desk, ____ sofa, ____ window, ____ aunt, ____ uncle, ____ wolf, ____ evening, ____ tree, ____ flower, ____ eagle, ____ exercise, ____ chair, ____ plane.

Задание 2

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.

Short, long, silly, busy, big, rich, poor, nice, clever, pretty, shy, fine, sweet.

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.

Talented, sensitive, successful, unpleasant, comfortable, complicated, honourable, interesting, beautiful, difficult.

Задание 3

Использование глагола to be в Present Simple

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1.I ... a pupil. 2. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist. 3. ... your aunt a doctor?.— Yes, she… 4. … they at home?— No, they ... not at home, they ... at work. 5. My brother ... a worker. He ...at work. 6. ... you an engineer? — Yes, I ... . 7. ... your sister a typist? — No, she ... not a typist,she ... a student. 8. ... your brother at school? — Yes, he ... 9. ... your sister at school?- No, she ...not at school. 10. My sister ... at home 11. … this your watch? — Yes, it.... 12. She … an actress.13. This ... my bag. 14. My uncle ... an office- worker. 15. He ... at work.

Репродуктивные упражнения


 Скажите, что вы хотели бы увидеть то же самое в….

Учитель: I want to go to Moscow

Ученик: I want to go to…

Учитель:  I want to see museums, galleries

Ученик: I want to see ….

Учитель:  I want to visit The Red Square .

Ученик:  I want to visit …

Учитель: I like playing football in my free time

Ученик: I like playing …computer games in my free time.

Учитель: My sister likes cooking in her free time

Ученик: My …brother likes …fishing in his free time

Задание 2.

Посмотрите на эти предметы и скажите, что у кого есть и чего у кого нет? 

I have got a …

My friend has got a…

Задание 3

Прочитайте диалог. Составьте с партнером диалог по аналогии.


— Hi! I’m Pavel. And you are…?
— I’m Nina.
— How are you, Nina?
— Good, thanks.
— Where are you from?
— I’m from Britain. How about you? Where are you from?

— And I’m from Australia. Nice to meet you, Nina.
— Nice to meet you.

"В магазине одежды ".

Assistant: Good morning, ma'am. How can I help you?

Customer: I'm looking for a pair of jeans. Where can I find them?

Assistant: They are over there, ma'am. Which size do you wear?

Customer: I usually buy either small or medium.

Assistant: I see. And what colour do you prefer: dark blue, black or light blue?

Customer: I'd like to find dark blue jeans without any decorative elements.

Those over there look pretty to me.


Assistant: They come only in small size. Would you like to try them on?

Customer: Yes, please. Where is the fitting-room?

Assistant: Follow me, ma'am. I'll show you.

Customer: Thank you.

Assistant: How are they? Do you need a larger size?

Customer: No, I don't. They are perfect on me. I'll take them. I also need a nice T-shirt to go with them. Do you have any?

Assistant: Yes, of course. We have lots of T-shirts of your size. What color do you want?


Customer: White or beige would be great.

Assistant: Here, try this one on and tell me if you like it.

Customer: Yes, it's wonderful, thank you. I'll take the T-shirt too.

Do you accept credit cards?

Assistant: Yes, we certainly do, ma'am.

Customer: How much should I pay?

Cashier: It's 85 pounds, ma'am.

Customer: Here you go.


Cashier: Thanks, ma'am. Have a good day!


Customer: Thank you. You too.

Продуктивные упражнения

Задание 1.

Draw the lines, name each child at the picture. Tell what are they doing?

Use Present Continuous in your answers.

Задание 2

Read and draw the lines. Tell what can each animal do.

Задание 3

 Загадайте животное и опишите, не называя его (другие ученики должны угадать животное, назвать его и показать на картинке).




Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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