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Сценарий праздника «Вальс Цветов” на английском языке


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Сценарий праздника «Вальс Цветов”

Музыка (Чайковский «Вальс цветов»)

Ведущие: - Hello, dear guests! It is the first day of the spring, so welcome to our Flower Party!

Танец под «Вальс цветов»


  • Flowers are everywhere around us. There are even names with flowers in them: Margaret, Violet, Lily, Rose. Flowers can be found in many fairy tales around the world.

  • Rose is one of the most popular flowers. (Стрелка «часов» на розе). Why? Well, first of all, rose is the floral symbol of England. The heraldic emblem is called the Tudor Rose. It is made up of a red rose and a white rose – the symbols of two rival dynasties.

  • We meet a rose in many fairy tales: Alice in Wonderland, The Snow Queen, The Little Prince.

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

Alice : Hello, guys! What are you doing? Why are you painting these white roses?

Карты : - You know, the Queen ordered us to plant red roses, but they turned out to be white. – And now we are painting them red, or the Queen will execute us!

Alice: - How silly!

Музыка (клавесин)

(Кай и Герда):

Gerda: Look, Kay, how beautiful our roses are! They are perfect!

Kay: Well, they ARE very nice, but not perfect. At least, not as perfect as a snowflake!... A-A-Ah! (хватается за глаз)

Gerda: What’s the matter?

Kay: It’s OK. But look! These roses are so ugly! Disgusting! Phooey! (отталкивает розы)

Музыка (клавесин)

The Little Prince : My rose is the only flower on my planet and I take care of it because we must be responsible for those we tamed.

And now a song for you!



- Other parts of the UK also have floral symbols. For example, the Thistle is the floral symbol of Scotland, and the Daffodil is the floral symbol of Wales.

- We also know a famous legend of Narcissus who liked his reflection in the water so much that he was turned into a beautiful flower.

Выходит Элиза Дулитл: - Flowers! Violets! Beautiful violets!

  • And who’s that?

  • It’s Elisa Doolittle from My Fair Lady. She’s a poor girl selling flowers in the street.

(Элиза подходит к ведущим) – Ladies, buy some flowers from a poor girl! Look at my violets! They are so beautiful!!!

Ведущие: - Oh, no, thank you!! Not now.

And now a song for you!


Дороти и Тото:

  • I wonder why I feel so sleepy! Toto, maybe you know?

  • I guess it’s because of these poppies!

  • How clever you are, my little friend!

And now a song for you!


Музыка ( клавесин)


  • I am a tiny girl, Thumbelina! Flowers are all around me. I sleep on a bed of violets, I cover myself with a tulip petal and I float on a water lily leaf.

And now a song for you!


Музыка ( клавесин)

Аленький цветочек:

  • And I asked my father to bring me a scarlet flower from overseas! He did it, but now I have to live on an island with an ugly Beast. He is really ugly, but very kind as well.

And now a song for you!


Музыка ( клавесин)

12 месяцев (Падчерица):

  • My cruel stepmother sent me to the forest to bring her some snowdrops. You know, it’s winter now. It’s so cold outside! And you can’t find any snowdrops under snow in December! But 12 months managed to help me and now I have a basket full of beautiful snowdrops!

And now a song for you!


Ведущие: - you can also meet all kinds of fantastic flowers in fairy tales: Glass flowers on the Third Planet, A Stone flower, and even a Red (Fire) flower. Have a look at Mowglie, he’s got fire in his pot. He calls it Red flower!

Mowglie: - Listen to me, silly grey wolves, and you, Sher-Khan! I am not afraid of you anymore. I’ve got Red flower with me. I’ll prove you that I’m not a wolf. I’m a MAN!

And now a song for you!


Цветик- семицветик (Женя)

  • My name’s Zhenya. I’ve got a most wonderful flower – a 7-coloured flower. An old lady gave it to me. It can make any of your wishes come true. Now you can make a wish and I’ll say the magic words:

  • Fly, petal, oh, -

East or west you go.

Then North to South

And turn about.

Touch the ground, do,

Make my wish come true.

I want our teacher to sing a song!



- Our concert is over.

- Thank you for staying with us. See you next year!

Сценарий праздника «Вальс Цветов”

Музыка (Чайковский «Вальс цветов») – 10 сек.

Ведущие (Валя, Настя): - Hello, dear guests! It is the first day of the spring, so (вместе) - welcome to our Flower Party!

(танец под «Вальс цветов») – с 1,0 до 2,05 мин.




Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

Alice (Шафоростова Н.)

Карты (Новичков И., Боков Д.)

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

(Шуракова Н.,Гошкодер Д.):

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

The Little Prince (Кармацкий Д.)

Маргарита: And now a song for you! Федоренко Лера «

Ведущие: Валя,Настя

Выходит Элиза Дулитл: - Flowers! Violets! Beautiful violets!



(Элиза подходит к ведущим)

Настя: And now a song for you! Зикеева Катя and Куликова Катя «Everything at once»

Дороти и Тото: (Казамурова Ярослава, за Тотошку – Шафоростова Настя)

Юля: And now a song for you! Воронин Алексей and Кириллов Валентин «Lemon Tree»

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

Дюймовочка (Береговая Саша)

Маргарита: And now a song for you! “Once Upon a December” – Солохович Арина and Истратова Лиза.

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

Аленький цветочек: (Малова Маша)

Валя: And now a song for you! Новаковская Маша – “Eternal Flame” (гитара)

Музыка (Бах - клавесин)

12 месяцев (Солохович Катя)

Настя: And now a song for you! Бакаева Саша «

Юля: And now a song for you! Хаткова Милана «Pasadena»

Ведущие: - you can also meet all kinds of fantastic flowers in fairy tales: Glass flowers on the Third Planet, A Stone flower, and even a Red (Fire) flower. Have a look at Mowglie, he’s got fire in his pot. He calls it Red flower!

Mowglie: (Азовцев)

Маргарита: And now a song for you! Федоренко Лера – «

Цветик- семицветик (Баскаева Камилла)



Валя: - Our concert is over.

Настя: - Thank you for staying with us. See you next year!

Музыка «Вальс цветов» (на уход).

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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