Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку «Money in our life»

Разработка урока по английскому языку «Money in our life»

Урок расскажет о ценности денег в нашей жизни.

Описание разработки

Objectives: to learn and revise vocabulary, to develop students’ speaking, reading and listening skills.

Equipment: texts for listening and reading, a list of money of different countries.

On the blackboard: coins, banknote, cash, credit, cheque, barter.


I. Warming up

T. Our lessons are devoted to money in our life. Each of you deals with money every day. We have to buy many things for soul and body. Can you explain the meaning of the words on the board?

Students’ answers are:

·Coin is a small metal disk of different size and price.

·Banknote is a piece of paper showing some value.

·Cash is ready money.

·Credit card is a plastic card used to take money from the bank account.

·Cheque is a note-book in which we write the sum of money to take from the bank.

·Barter is changing one thing for another without money.

I. Greeting. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

II. T. Let’s remember which synonyms to the word “money” we know. They are: “currency”, “funds”, “wealth”, “profitable thing”.

T. What kind of money can a person use?

P. 1. Pocket money or spending money.

P. 2. Change, small money metallic money.

P. 3. Cash, ready (hand) cash, ready money or money in cash.

T. What can we use money for?

Разработка урока по английскому языку Money in our life

P. 1, P. 2, P. 3, … We can save, waste, spend, count, get, lend, borrow, risk, check, pay out, transfer, remit, raise, earn, money.

T. Make up your own sentences with these words.

P. 1. Our family saved enough money to buy a new car.

P. 2. I don’t like borrowing money from my friends.

P. 3. Pop stars raise money on charity.

P. 4. A clerk counts money at the bank.

P. 5. Sometimes agents risk their clients’ money at Stock Exchange.

P. 6. My parents are paid out salary twice a month.

P. 7. We can transfer money from one country to another by the Western Union.

P. 8. I think it’s better to earn money than to borrow it.

P. 9. My best friend is always ready to lend me some money.

P. 10. Parents used to say that children always waste money.

P. 11. My parents teach me to spend money reasonably.

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Содержимое разработки

Донецкая общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней №90


серии уроков английского языка


10 класс

Учитель-методист: Крюкова Ольга Сергеевна

Objectives: to learn and revise vocabulary, to develop students’ speaking, reading and listening skills.

Equipment: texts for listening and reading, a list of money of different countries.

On the blackboard: coins, banknote, cash, credit, cheque, barter.


  1. Warming up

T. Our lessons are devoted to money in our life. Each of you deals with money every day. We have to buy many things for soul and body. Can you explain the meaning of the words on the board?

Students’ answers are:

  • Coin is a small metal disk of different size and price.

  • Banknote is a piece of paper showing some value.

  • Cash is ready money.

  • Credit card is a plastic card used to take money from the bank account.

  • Cheque is a note-book in which we write the sum of money to take from the bank.

  • Barter is changing one thing for another without money.

  1. Greeting. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

  2. T. Let’s remember which synonyms to the word “money” we know. They are: “currency”, “funds”, “wealth”, “profitable thing”.

T. What kind of money can a person use?

P.1. Pocket money or spending money.

P.2. Change, small money metallic money.

P.3. Cash, ready (hand) cash, ready money or money in cash.

T. What can we use money for?

P.1, P.2, P.3,… We can save, waste, spend, count, get, lend, borrow, risk, check, pay out, transfer, remit, raise, earn, money.

T. Make up your own sentences with these words.

P.1. Our family saved enough money to buy a new car.

P.2. I don’t like borrowing money from my friends.

P.3. Pop stars raise money on charity.

P.4. A clerk counts money at the bank.

P.5. Sometimes agents risk their clients’ money at Stock Exchange.

P.6. My parents are paid out salary twice a month.

P.7. We can transfer money from one country to another by the Western Union.

P.8. I think it’s better to earn money than to borrow it.

P.9. My best friend is always ready to lend me some money.

P.10. Parents used to say that children always waste money.

P.11. My parents teach me to spend money reasonably.

P.12. In order to start business in our country you should first get some money.

T. Make up your own sentences using Mind-map.


T. Let’s turn to the history of money.

P.1. Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However, this has not always been true.

P.2. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value.

P.3. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided. People needed more practical system of exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks and tobacco have all been used.

P.4. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable and divisible into larger and smaller units of value.

P.5. A coin is a piece of metal, usually, disc shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value-of actual; metal content.

P.6. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really “promises to pay”. Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world.

P.7. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a world where “money” in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used.

T. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about money. Some of them are written on the blackboard. Your task is to match the beginnings with the endings of the proverbs and explain the meaning from your point of view or give Russian or Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. Lend your money… a) nor a lender be;

  2. Money spent on the brain… b) is penny earned;

  3. Neither a borrower… c) and lose your friend;

  4. Money makes… d) the world go around;

  5. A penny saved… e) can make people happier;

  6. Money is a good servant… f) never spent in a vain;

  7. Money is as dangerous… g) as enemies;

  8. No amount of money… h) but a bad muster.

T. What does each proverb mean?

Proverbs and their meanings

  1. Lend your money and lose your friend.

It means that money relations between friends and relatives may destroy even close ties like friendship relationship.

  1. Money makes the world go around.

It means that with a help of money a man can enjoy many entertainments.

  1. Money spent on the brain never spent in vain.

It means that in order to achieve a success a person should get a good education and experience.

  1. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

It means that a person should live on the money he earns himself.

  1. A penny saved is a penny earned.

It means that people should not waste money.

  1. Money is as good servant but a bad muster.

It means that a person should earn money to live, but not to live for earning money.

  1. Money is as dangerous as enemies.

It means that money spent on drugs, committing crimes, playing games of chance may become enemies.

  1. No amount of money can make people happier.

It means that money itself can’t make a person healthy, clever, wise, beautiful or handsome lucky and successful.

T. Have you ever borrowed money from anyone?

Who from? How much?

Have you ever lent money to anyone?

Who to? How much?

Are you in a debt at the money?

Do you save money?

Are you saving anything at the moment? What?

Do you keep your money

  1. in a bank?

  2. in a safe?

  3. in a money-box?

  4. under the bed?

Do you spend more than you earn, or less than you earn?

Do you have a budget for your money?

Do you keep a record of your expenses?

Where do you keep your money?

a)in a purse; b)in a wallet; c)in a handbag; d)in a pocket.

If you keep it in a pocket, which pocket do you keep it in:

  1. inside jacket-pocket;

  2. back trouser-pocket;

  3. side trouser-pocket;

  4. top jacket-pocket.

Have you ever had your pocket picked?

Have you bought anything this week? What?

What did it cost?

Was it worth it?

Was it new or second-hand?

Was it a bargain? Did you get a receipt?

V. Role plays

T. There are cases where we deal with money: in the market, at the cash-desk at the exchange office and so on. Divide in a few groups. You have five minutes to imagine yourselves in one of those places.

Act the dialogues:


Customer: One loaf of brown bread and two buns, please.

Shop-assistant: Here you are.

Customer: How much is it?

Shop-assistant: 1 hryvnia 80 copecks.

Customer: Here are 2 hryvnias.

Shop-assistant: Here is your change, 20 copecks. Thank you.


Customer: One loaf of white bread, please.

Shop-assistant: Sorry, but it isn’t fresh.

Customer: what is fresh?

Shop-assistant: Only buns are.

Customer: Two buns, please.

Shop-assistant: Here you are. 80 copecks, please.


Customer: Have you any 60 copecks ice-cream?

Shop-assistant: Certainly.

Customer: Two ices, please.

Shop-assistant: Here you are.

Customer: Here is 1 hryvnia 20 copecks.

Shop-assistant: Thank you.


Shop-assistant: Do you want a hat?

Customer: Yes, I do.

Shop-assistant: What size? What colour?

Customer: My size is 50. Grey, please.

Shop-assistant: I think his hat is especially for you.

Customer: Do you think so? Let me try it.

Shop-assistant: This is a mirror.

Customer: Do you have a black hat of the same size?

Shop-assistant: Here you are.

Customer: How much?

Shop-assistant: Twenty hryvnias 20 copecks. To the cashdesk, please.


British money

T. What money do people use in Britain?

P. In Britain people use pounds and pence. There are 100 pence in a pound. The smallest coin is the 5-pence coin. The fattest coin is 1-pouund coin. Most coins are round but two of them have got seven sides. The little coin with seven sides is 20-pence coin. The coins are made of metal but the 5 pound and 10 pound notes are made of paper.

Ukrainian money

T. What money do people use in our own country?

P. In Ukraine people use hryvnas and copyikas. There 100 copyikas in a hryvnia. The coins are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 copyikas in 1-hryvnia. The smallest coin is 1-copyika coin. The largest are 5-copyika and 1-hryvna coins. All of coins are round. The coins are made of white (1,2,5) and yellow (10,25,50,1-hryvnia) metal. There are notes made of paper: 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200 hryvnas notes.

Rest time

T. Let’s play the games.

1) I’ll name the country and you’ll say the currency the country has or had to check our homeworck for today

(To find as many names of the currency as possible).

2) The next game is: I name the currency and you guess the country.

T. Use the list of the money given below.

Austria-dollar Austria-shilling

Britain-pound Bulgaria-levy

Brazil-cruseiro Canada-dollar

Chile-peso China-yuan

Denmark-crone Egypt-pound

Finland-marka France-franc

Gemany-marka Greece-drachma

Hungary-forint Iceland-krona

India-rupee Italy-lira

Japan-yen Mexico-peso


Panama-balboa Poland-zloty

Portugal-escudo Romana-lieu

Spain-peseta Swizerland-franc

Sweden-krona Turkey-lira

  1. Listening

T. today people have so many ways of paying for things they buy. There have always been lots of methods of payment. In early times people exchanged one thing for another. It was called barter. The system of barter was not very convenient because it produced lots of problems. In the 7th century BC the ancient Greeks introduced coins made of gold and silver. Now people could exchange money for things. Coins last a long time, but they were heavy. That’s why people invented banknotes. Today many of us use cheque and credit or other kinds of plastic cards.

Post-listening task

T. Now answer my questions:

  • What ways of paying for things are mentioned in the text?

  • How did people exchange things at first?

  • What is common between cheques and credit cards?

  • What ways of paying do you use in your family?

  • What is the earliest way of paying for things in your opinion?

Pre-reading task

  1. Look at the title of the magazine article. It is based on a well-known song from a 1950s’ American musical.

T.57 Listen to one or two verses of the song. What don’t the singers of song want to do? What do they want to do? The tapescript is on page 135.

  1. The article is about people who win huge amounts of money in a lottery or on the football pools, and how this affects their lives. Which of the following do you think are good suggestions “+” or bad suggestions “-“ for such people?

If you win a lot of money, …

…you should give up work.

…you should buy a new house.

…you mustn’t let change you.

…it’s a good idea to keep it a secret.

…you should give money to everyone who asks for it.

…you should go on a spending spree.

What suggestions would you give to someone who has won a lot of money.

  1. The words in A are in the article. Match a word in A with a definition in B.


  1. envy a) a sum of money you receive unexpectedly;

  2. to fantasize b) an aim, a reason for doing something;

  3. a jigsaw c) a feeling of discontent because someone has

  4. a windfall something that you want;

  5. a purpose d) to spend money foolishly on small, useless things;

  6. to fritter away money e) to imagine, to dream;

f) a picture cut into pieces that you have to put together again.


T. Read the article. The following sentences have been taken out of the text. Where do you think they should go?

  1. They were furious!

  2. We feel at home.

  3. It is tempting to move to a bigger house.

  4. “nothing but misery”

  5. What the money would do to us!

  6. It seems fantastic!

  7. Most of their money will be frittered away

  8. If you lent him some money.

Comprehension check

  1. Look back at the suggestion in the Pre-reading task.

Have you changed your mind about any of them?

  1. Answer the questions =.

  1. Does the magazine article talk more about the positive side of winning a lot of money, or the negative side?

  2. How can a large amount of money affect…

…our work? …our home? …our friends?

  1. How does the article say money can be “frittered away”?

  2. The following groups are mentioned in the article:

Charities, relatives lawyers, security guards, psychotherapists.

Which of them is speaking in the following lines?

“Tell me about your relationship with your father.”

“Twenty pounds will feed a family for a month. Please, give generously.”

“Now, John, you know you’ve always been my favourite nephew.”

“Sorry, sir. You can’t go any further without permission.”

“I strongly advise you to take them to court.”

  1. Give three facts each about the lives of Val Johnson, Alice Hopper and Malcolm Price.

Why are they all mentioned?

  1. In the imaginary family that has won £1 million, who says, “It won’t change us?” Who says, “I want it to change us”?

  2. What do the children want to have? What does the neighbor want?

  3. Who in the family doesn’t buy anything? What do the others buy?

T. In conclusion I should say that it’s not an easy thing to spend money properly, but when you know much about the problem it becomes a pleasure. Enjoy your shopping!


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