Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  Прочее  /  Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов первого курса медицинских колледжей

Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для студентов первого курса медицинских колледжей

Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для развития лексических и грамматических навыков на занятиях и при самостоятельной работе обучающихся.

Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для организации самостоятельной работы студентов в урочное и внеурочное время.

Содержание рабочей тетради базируется на тематическом принципе. Рабочая тетрадь содержит упражнения и задания, подходящие к конкретному тексту или разделу.

Задания представляют собой материал проверочного и обучающего характера, для развития основных видов иноязычной деятельности. Задания предполагают выполнение тестов и письменных упражнений.

Рабочая тетрадь охватывает следующие темы «Олимпийское движение в мире», «Искусство и культура», «Пути карьерного роста» и рекомендуется для использования на учебных занятиях и при самоподготовке студентами медицинских колледжей, обучающихся по специальности «Сестринское дело».

Рабочая тетрадь соответствует требованиям ФГОС а также содержанию рабочей программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык и календарно – тематическому плану дисциплины, предназначена осознанному и прочному усвоению учебной информации по темам через навыки коллективной, групповой и самостоятельной работы с учебной литературой.


Содержимое разработки

Филиал Бюджетного профессионального образовательного учреждения Чувашской Республики «Чебоксарский медицинский колледж» Министерства здравоохранения

Чувашской Республики в городе Канаш



для студентов первого курса медицинских колледжей на базе среднего (полного) общего образования, при подготовке медицинских специалистов среднего звена 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка).

Канаш 2018 г.

Разработчики:преподаватели английского языка филиала БПОУ ЧР «Чебоксарский медицинский колледж» МЗ ЧР в городе Канаш Деведерова В.В., Сифурова Т.А.


Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для организации самостоятельной работы студентов в

урочное и внеурочное время.

Содержание рабочей тетради базируется на тематическом принципе. Рабочая тетрадь содержит

упражнения и задания, подходящие к конкретному тексту или разделу.

Задания представляют собой материал проверочного и обучающего характера, для развития

основных видов иноязычной деятельности. Задания предполагают выполнение тестов и письменных упражнений.

Рабочая тетрадь охватывает следующие темы «Олимпийское движение в мире», «Искусство и культура», «Пути карьерного роста» и рекомендуется для использования на учебных занятиях и при самоподготовке студентами медицинских колледжей, обучающихся по специальности «Сестринское дело».

Рабочая тетрадь соответствует требованиям ФГОС а также содержанию рабочей программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык и календарно – тематическому плану дисциплины, предназначена осознанному и прочному усвоению учебной информации по темам через навыки коллективной, групповой и самостоятельной работы с учебной литературой.


Рабочая тетрадь предназначена в помощь студентам медицинского колледжа при изучении тем второго полугодия первого курса. Рабочая тетрадь составлена в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС СПО и на основе Рабочей программы по дисциплине Иностранный язык для специальности 34.02.01 «Сестринское дело».

Рабочая тетрадь включает темы:

-Олимпийское движение в мире;

- Искусство и культура;

- Пути карьерного роста.

Целью рабочей тетради является выявление уровня знаний, умений и навыков студентов по иностранному языку, и способствовать осознанному и прочному усвоению учебной информации по дисциплине.

В результате усвоения учебной информации по темам студент должен


- переводить тексты с полным или частичным пониманием его содержания;

- говорить по теме и поддерживать беседу;

- отвечать на специальные вопросы по теме;

- формулировать свои собственные вопросы по теме;

- общаться (устно и письменно) по теме на иностранном языку.


- лексический тематический минимум;

- разговорные клише по темам;

- лексико – грамматический минимум построения разговорной речи по теме на иностранном языке.

В рабочей тетради представлены задания на воспроизведение прочитанного текста, на усвоение лексико – грамматического материала с последующим выполнением упражнений и контрольными тестами в конце каждой темы с ответами на контрольные вопросы. Отдельной папкой представлены аудиофайла с текстами по аудированию, которые представлены в конце каждой темы.

Пояснительная записка

Рабочая тетрадь учебной дисциплины ОУД.02 Английский язык предназначена для самостоятельного изучения отдельных тем в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования, реализующих образовательную программу среднего (полного) общего образования, при подготовке медицинских специалистов среднего звена 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка).

Данная разработка по английскому языку составлена в соответствии с Рабочей программой для специальности «Сестринское дело» и тематическим планом, предусмотренным Федеральным Государственным Образовательным Стандартом.

Рабочая тетрадь охватывает три изучаемые темы. Каждая тема состоит из следующих разделов:

- задания по чтению иноязычного текста;

- задания по расширению словарного запаса;

- задания по развитию навыков говорения и аудирования;

- тесты для самоконтроля.

В рабочую тетрадь также включены грамматические упражнения. Для более удобного выполнения заданий представлены грамматические таблицы, которые должны помочь при самостоятельном выполнении заданий.

При выполнении упражнений студентам рекомендуется использовать Большой англо-русский словарь Мюллера и англо-русский медицинский словарь Стедмана.

При составлении рабочей тетради использовалась литература различного уровня сложности, что обуславливается различным уровнем школьной подготовленности студентов.

Задания рабочей тетради способствуют решению задач, предусмотренных рабочей программой: подготовке грамотного специалиста, владеющего медицинской терминологией, развитию языковой активности студентов и автоматизации навыков и умений правильного употребления грамматических структур в новом лексическом окружении, как в устной, так и в письменной речи.

Эта рабочая тетрадь предназначена для изучения новой лексики по разделам:

«Олимпийское движение в мире», «Мир искусства и культуры», «Пути карьерного роста». Для того чтобы говорить, писать и понимать прочитанное на английском языке вы должны знать 2000 слов и выражений. В этой тетради около 500 новых и тематических слов и выражений для заучивания. Вы найдете эти слова в начале каждой темы. Каждое новое слово используется в текстах и лексико-грамматических упражнениях. Рабочая тетрадь составлена таким образом, что вы можете использовать её в самостоятельных аудиторных и внеаудиторных работах. Рекомендуется выполнять упражнения в данной последовательности: от простого к сложному уровню (от А до С).
Правильность выполнения заданий Вы можете проверить с преподавателем, так как рабочая тетрадь не содержит ключей.

При выполнения заданий вы можете использовать словарь для проверки значений отдельных слов и выражений, а также заданий к упражнениям.
Чтобы расширить свой словарный запас вы должны помнить о двух правилах: 1.Тщательно изучить каждый раздел рабочей тетради и выполнять все упражнения к ней, а затем проверить ваши ответы по ключу.
2.Записывать новые слова и выражения в словарь и регулярно повторять их в течении года.
Надеемся, что данная тетрадь поможет вам не только усовершенствовать ваши знания английского языка, но и расширить ваш кругозор. Вы узнаете много новых и интересных фактов, непосредственно касающихся вашей будущей профессии.

Желаем успехов!





Unit 1. The Olympic Movement

Present Perfect. Past Perfect, Past Simple


Unit 2. Art and Culture

Modal Verbs


Unit 3. The Way into Career

Present, Past, Future Continuous






a) Read and try to understand the text.

Words for learning

Slaves fine statues events hippodrome major ban gradually site revealed

Before reading, try to answer questions 1-3. Read the first paragraph to check.

  1. The Olympic Games are

  1. 1,000 years old.

  2. 2,000 years old.

  3. 3,000 years old.

  1. The Olympic Games started in

  1. Greece. b) Italy. c) Egypt.

  1. The Olympic Games are named after

  1. a god. b) a place c) a river

  1. Olympic athletes had to be male, of Greek nationality and not slaves. They promised to compete in an honorable way and to follow the rules, but some athletes still cheated. If caught, they had to pay a large fine. This money was used to pay for statues of Zeus, which were placed along the road to the stadium with name of the athlete who had cheated on the base. To get to the stadium, the athletes had to walk past all the statues.

  2. Unlike the modern Olympics, which currently include 35 sports and nearly 400 events, many of which are team sports such as soccer and basketball, the ancient Games only included individual events. Seven types of events took place in the stadium, including running, discus javelin, long jump, wrestling and boxing. There was also chariot racing and horse racing in the hippodrome.

  3. The Olympic Games became major sports events but the Roman Emperor Theodosius I finally decided to ban the Olympic Games in 393 A.D., after more than 1,000 years of existence, because he thought they were a pagan cult. Gradually the site disappeared and was forgotten. However, in 19-th century, archaeological work finally revealed the ruins of Olympia, and today visitors can appreciate Olympia and imagine the past glory of the Games.

  1. b) Now read paragraph A-C and match highlighted words to their meaning.

  1. Races or competitions events

  2. Little by little _____

  3. Money you have to pay when you do something ideal _____

  4. Models or figures, usually of a person _____

  5. Very important and\ or large _____

  6. To prohibit something _____

  7. People who belong to other people and work for no money ____

  8. A place or location ______

  9. Uncovered ______

  10. A stadium where horse races take place ______


  1. Read the definition and write the words.

  1. 1. The people who watch sport spectators

  2. 2. The person who is the leader of a team c_______

  3. 3. The person who likes a sport a lot f_______

  4. 4. What sportsmen do before they start playing w______ up

  5. 5. If you do a lot of exercise, you will… get in s____

  6. 6. The place where you play tennis tennis c____

  7. 7. The person who controls, e.g., a soccer game r_________

  8. 8. The place where you skate skating r______

  9. 9. What professional athletes have to do every day tr______

  10. 10. The place where athletes run running tr__________

  11. 1B Winter Olympics

  12. a) Fill in the blanks with words from the box below:

  1. a)Compete

  2. b)Silver

  3. c)represent

  4. d) bronze

  5. e) opening

  6. f) speed

  7. g)alpine

  8. h)ice hockey

  9. i) four

  10. j)determined

  11. k) podium

  12. l) national anthems

  13. m)judges

  14. n) bobsled

  15. o)luge

  16. p) snowboarding

  17. q) parade

  18. r) train

  19. s) fastest

  20. t) gold

  21. u) honor

  22. v)event

  23. w)cross-country

  24. x) figure

  1. The Winter Games:

  2. Every 1 years athletes from around the world gather to 2_ in Winter Games of the Olympics. The athletes, who 3 ______ extremely hard are chosen to 4 _____ their countries. The Games begin with the 5 _____ ceremony, where the athletes 6 ___ in front of an audience.

  3. The Events:

  4. The Winter Games is comprised of many different 7 _____. There are sledding events such as the 8 ___ and the 9_____. There are skiing events such as 10 _____ and 11 ___. There are also team sports such as 12 ____. Every Olympics some new events are added such as 13 _____, which was added in the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games.

  5. Winning:

  6. The dream of every athlete is to make it to the 14_____, which is where the medals are handed out. The first place winners receive the 15_____ medal and have the 16 ____ of hearing their countries 17 ____ played. The second place winners receive the 18 ______ ____medal and the third place winners receive the 19_____ medal. Often, the winners are 20 _____ by who has the 21_____ time. Events such as the 22 ____skating are decided this way. Panel of 23 ____, who give marks according to artistic and technical ability, determines other events such as 24 ____skating.


  8. a) Can you tell about the athlete from Russia using the chart below?

  1. .


    Tatyana Akimova

    Date of birth

    26. Oct.1990

    Place of birth

    Cheboksary (Russia)


    Cheboksary (Russia)


    Russian, English






    Married husband Vyacheslav Akimov

    (EC 2011 athlete, champion)

    son of her trainer A. Akimov.


    World Cup debut 2015,

    Biathlon since 2003

  2. I`d like to tell you about …. She is a (an)… . Her … is… . She has… .

  3. GRAMMAR Present, Past Tenses

  4. 1С Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Past Simple

    1. 1. Past Simple Tense — Простое прошедшее время

    2. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени as a rule, ago, every…, last…, often, seldom, sometimes, when…, yesterday.

    1. П + V2 (Ved) + Д….

    2. Our team won the game last season. They played very well.

    1. Did + П + V + Д…?

    2. Did the sportsmen win the game?

    3. Wh did + П + V…?

    4. What did the sportsmen win?

    1. Wh- What When Why How Where What for

    1. П +did not +V +Д… .

    2. We did not play football yesterday, it was too cold.

    1. 2. Past Continuous Tense — Прошедшее длящееся время

    2. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени at that time, at … o`clock yesterday, from… till …yesterday, while…, the whole day, when… yesterday, all the day.

    1. П + was (were) V-ing + Д… .

    2. Our team was playing the game at that time. .

    1. Was (Were) + П + Ving + Д…?

    2. Were you playing all the day?

    3. Wh were + П + Ving…?

    4. What were the sportsmen doing from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.?

    1. Wh- What When Why How Where What for

    1. П +were not +Ving +Д… .

    2. We were not playing football at that time , it was too cold.

    1. 3. Времена Present и Past Perfect используются для описания действия, которое началось с

    2. какого-то момента в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени. Часто в таких предложениях используются обстоятельства и предлоги времени for, since, yet, already, just, ever, never; а для Past Perfect также by that time

    1. П + have +V3 (Ved) +Д… .

    2. П + had +V3 (Ved) +Д… .

    3. I have just met them at the stadium.

    1. Have + П + V3 (Ved) + Д…?

    2. Had + П + V3 (Ved) + Д…?

    3. Wh have +П + V3 (Ved) +…?

    1. П + haven`t +V3 (Ved) +Д .

    2. П + hadn`t +V3 (Ved) +Д… .

  1. 1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  2. 1. I was waiting (wait) to play tennis yesterday when my partner ______(call) me to say that he ______ (not can) come because his car _______ (break down).

  3. 2. Chicago _____(beat) Boston yesterday. Boston ____(win) 44-39 in the first half but Chicago ___ (score) 46 points in the second half to Boston`s 39.

  4. 3. We were late. When we ___ (arrive) everyone ___ (finish) their lunch and they _____ (sit) in the living room having coffee.

  5. 4. I ____ (run) to the station but the six o`clock train _____ (already\ leave). The station ____ (be) empty except for three people who ____ (wait) for the next train.

  6. 5. It _______(start) raining when he _______ (walk) to work . He ______(stop) a taxi because he ____ (not wear) a coat and he _____( not have )an umbrella.

  7. 6. They ____(drive) to the airport when they suddenly ______(remember) that they ____ (not turn off) the lights.

  8. 7. I _____ (not recognize) many people at my old school reunion because everyone ________ (change) a lot in twenty years.

  9. 8. The Game _____ (already\ start) when we ______ (turn on) the TV. Costa Rica ______ (lose) 1:0 and they _____(play) very badly).


  11. a) Listen to the text and put the missing word into the gaps.

  12. athletes Zeus circles competitors motto

  13. 1. The five Olympic 1____represent the five continents: Africa, North and South America, Asia and

  14. Australia. They are connected to symbolize the sports friendship amongst all the people in the world.

  15. 2. The Olympic 2______“Citius, altius, fortius” means “Faster, higher, stronger” in Latin.

  16. 3. The first official Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. They were held in honor of 3______ the

  17. supreme god of the Greeks.

  18. 4. The Games are meant to promote to respect amongst all the 4________, regardless of their race.

  19. religion or sex.

  20. 5. To get an idea of the number of competitors participating in the Olympic Games- at

  21. Sydney 2000, 10,300 5________ came involved in 28 sports, 292 events and 635 matches.

  22. Track 31 АУДИ-ФАЙЛ


  2. 1. Olympic athletes had to be……of…..nationality.

  3. a)male Greek

  4. b)female Roman

  5. c)both

  6. 2. This money was used to pay for statues of….

  7. a)Heracles

  8. b)Zeus

  9. c)Apollo

  10. 3. Modern Olympics include…..sports and nearly…….events.

  11. a) 30/400

  12. b) 36/400

  13. c) 35/400

  14. 4. The ancient Games only included…….events.

  15. a) individual

  16. b) team

  17. c) both

  18. 5. ……types of events took place in the stadium.

  19. a) six

  20. b) seven

  21. c) eight

  22. 6. In…….century archaeological work finally revealed the ruins of Olympia.

  23. a) 17-th

  24. b) 18-th

  25. c) 19-th

  26. 7. The first record of the Olympic Games dates from……BC.

  27. a) 776

  28. b) 777

  29. c) 778

  30. 8. The Olympic motto “ Citius altius fortius” means “ Faster higher stronger” in….. .

  31. a) Greek

  32. b) Latin

  33. c) Roman

  34. 9. The Olympic Games were held in honor of…….the supreme god of the Greeks.

  35. a) Apollo

  36. b) Heracles

  37. c) Zeus

  38. 10. The Olympic circles are connected to symbolize the….. …. amongst all the people in the world.

  39. a) sports friendship

  40. b) sports continents

  41. c) sports Committee

  42. 11. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is…. .

  43. a) English

  44. b) French

  45. c) Italian

  46. 12. The Olympic Games could help to bring…. .

  47. a) peace

  48. b) war

  49. c) trouble

  50. 13. Coubertin believed that sportsmen must not compete for….. .

  51. a) glory

  52. b) money

  53. c) honor

  54. 14. Coubertin formed the international Olympic Committee in….. .

  55. a)1896

  56. b) 1986

  57. c) 1894

  58. 15. The Olympic Games began again on….. .

  59. a) 15 May 1796

  60. b) 5 April 1896

  61. c) 10 August 1986

  62. 16. Coubertin found an emblem in…

  63. a)1989

  64. b)1898

  65. c)1913

  66. 17. An emblem consist of…

  67. a) three linked rings

  68. b) five linked rings

  69. c)fifteen linked rings

  70. 18. Olympic rings represent…

  71. a) parts in the world

  72. b)cities in the world

  73. c)countries in the world

  74. 19. The Olympic Games held once every…

  75. a)five years

  76. b)four years

  77. c)three years

  78. 20. The spirit of Olympic is not winning…

  79. a) but money

  80. b)but loss

  81. c)but talking part

  82. 2A Art and Culture



  85. Words for learning

    1. Mean bear move realize disappoint powerful shapes features poor success

  86. a) Read the texts and try to put the words in italics in the correct form.

  87. Pablo Picasso

  88. Many people realized that Pablo Picasso was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted __HE_________ to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic traditions and shocked public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably __GOOD_________ known for his “Cubist” pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people often _MAKE________ up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about art and, nowadays, to millions of people modern art _MEAN_____ the work of Picasso.

  89. George Bernard Shaw

  90. George Bernard Shaw, an outstanding Irish playwright and critic, _BEAR____ in Dublin on July 26, 1856 to a poor protestant family.

  91. Later the family _MOVE____to London. There he started writing novels and plays. Between 1892 and 1930 he _WRITE______ over twenty plays, both tragedies and comedies.

  92. One of the __POPULAR_______ plays is “Pygmalion”. In many countries of the world, this play always _BE_____ a great success with the public.

  93. b) Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

  94. 1. P. Picasso was a traditional painter.

  95. 2. The artist used triangles and squares in his paintings.

  96. 3. To millions of people modern art is connected with the name of B. Shaw.

  97. 4. G. B. Shaw is an outstanding writer of the 20th century from Ireland.

  98. 5. B. Shaw wrote only comedy plays.

  99. 6. «Pygmalion» - is one of the most popular paintings of P. Picasso that is always a great success with the public.


  1. Read the information about various forms of art. Match the terms with their definitions.

  1. If you want to see the paintings of a famous artist, you need to go to an art gallery or museum. There you can see individual paintings and sometimes an exhibition by one or some painters. There are many different types and styles of paintings: portraits, landscapes, sketches, and drawings. For example, murals are large pictures, usually painted on a wall.

  1. 1. caricature

  2. 2. cartoon

  3. 3. collage

  4. 4. diagram

  5. 5. drawing

  6. 6. fresco

  7. 7. graph

  8. 8. illustration

  9. 9. mural

  10. 10. silhouette

  11. 11. sketch

  12. 12. tapestry

  1. a. a picture made with a pencil

  2. b. a drawing showing the parts of something to explain how it works

  3. c. a drawing showing by a line the connection between two quantities

  4. d. a rough drawing without many details on it

  5. e. a picture to go with the words of a book

  6. f. a picture in solid black

  7. g. a picture painted in water colour on a surface of a fresh wet plaster

  8. h. woven cloth hanging on a wall, with pictures woven from coloured wool or silk

  9. i. a humorous drawing, often dealing with something of interest in the news in an amusing way

  10. j. a representation of a person made so that aspects of his or her appearance appear more noticeable than they really are

  11. b) Read and try to understand the text. Mona Lisa

    1. She was painted in the early 1599s by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Today, she hangs in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris. She is Mona Lisa – one of the most famous portraits in the world.

    2. The subject of the portrait was a woman from the city of Florence, Italy. At age 16, Mona Lisa married Francesco del Gioconda- a wealthy merchant19 years her senior. When Gioconda asked da Vinci to paint his young wife, the artist was struck by the woman`s beauty, so he agreed. Stories say that da Vinci hired jesters to sing and dance while Mona Lisa sat for her portrait. Perhaps this accounts for her special smile-one that has been described as both “mysterious” and “haunting”.

  1. Some fascinating facts about the painting:

  • The original name of the painting was not Mona Lisa- it was La Gioconda.

  • The subject of the portrait has no eyebrows. It was the fashion of the day to shave them off.

  • X-rays of the painting show that there are three different versions of the subject, all painted by da Vinci, and layered under the final portrait.

  • In 1911, an employee of the Louvre stole the Mona Lisa from the museum. It was not returned until 1913, when the thief tried to sell the masterpiece to an art collector. The thief was called the biggest art heist in history.

  • The Mona Lisa has been an inspiration to musicians and poets. American songwriters Livingstone and Evans wrote a hit song about the portrait.

  1. c) Circle a letter to show how each sentence should be completed.

  2. 1. The Mona Lisa was originally named La Gioconda because Gioconda was

  3. a) the artist`s name b) Mona Lisa`s maiden name c) Mona Lisa`s married name

  4. 2. Mona Lisa is famous for her

  5. a) smile b) hair c) costume

  6. 3. Mona Lisa has no

  7. a) teeth b) eyebrows c)hair

  8. 4. The Louvre is

  9. a) a style of painting b) a Paris museum c) the name of a portrait

  10. 5. Portrait is

  11. a) a picture of a person, usually focusing on the face

  12. b) a picture of a stretch of outdoor scenery

  13. c) a simple picture, usually done quickly and with a very little detail

  14. 2B Music


  16. a) Fill in the missing words from the box below.

  17. rap - opera - jazz – punk- heavy metal- blues

  18. 1 __punk___ Rock music that is played in a fast, loud and aggressive way. It was very popular in the late 1970s.

  19. 2 ________ A style of music invented by African- American musicians in the early part of twentieth century. It has a strong rhythm and often involves improvisation. Famous musicians include Louis Armstrong, Billy Holiday and Miles Davis.

  20. 3 ________ A type of music in which the singers don`t sing but speak the words quickly, in a rhythmic way.

  21. 4 ________ It`s like a play in the theatre, but people sing the words.

  22. 5 ________ A type of very loud rock music, with lots of guitars and a strong beat.

  23. 6 ________ A type of music developed by African- American musicians of the southern United States. It is slow, often sad, and with a strong rhythm.


  25. b) Read the text, put the missing words.

  26. Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich (1927-2007) was a Russian 1______and conductor. He is widely considered to be 2_______ of the greatest cellist of the 20th century.

  27. Rostropovich`s 3_________ is Baku. He grew up in Baku and spent his 4______there.

  28. At the age of four, Rostropovich learned the 5________ with his mother, a talented pianist. He started the cello at the age of 10 with his father, who was also a cellist.

  29. Rostropovich gave his 7_______cello concert in 1942. In 1950, at the age of 23 he was awarded what was then 8________ the highest distinction in the Soviet Union, the 9______ Prize.

  30. Rostropovich received many 10_______ awards, including the French Legion of Honor and honorary doctorates from many international 11________. He was an activist, fighting for 12___________ of expression in art and politics.

  31. He 13_______ on April 27 2007. This was the birth date of Sergey Prokofiev under 14______ Rostropovich had studied and some of whose 15 ______ he had premiered.

  32. Some fascinating facts about the composer:

  33. M. Rostropovich was married to the outstanding Russian opera singer GalinaVishnevskaya from 1955 until his death in 2007; they performed together regularly. Both she and he were friends of a Great Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich.

  34. __________________________________________________________________

  35. Conductor- the person who stands in front of the orchestra and leads it.

  36. Cello – a musical instrument larger than a violin. Cellist- the musician who plays the cello.


  38. c) Fill in the chart and try to retell the text using it. (See the text above)

    1. Name

    1. Date of birth

    1. Place of birth

    1. Parents

    1. Languages

    1. Russian, English

    1. Education

    1. Professional carrier

    1. Family

    1. Awards

  39. LISTENING Track 32 Аудиофайл

  40. d) Read after the speaker and put the words under the following headings: Music, Cinema, Literature, Painting, Dance

  41. Casting,watercolour,flamenco,violin,oil,novel,note,screen,tango,brush,camera,role,waltz,script,corps de ballet,fairytale,poetry,orchestra,canvas,composer,pencil,conductor,short story, portrait, comics, gallery, DVD player, disco, artist, playwright



    1. Глагол

    1. Present

    1. Past

    1. Future

    1. -Must I memorize this poem?

    2. -Yes, you must.

    1. Must-должен обязательно что то сделать

    1. Must+V

    1. -Сan

    1. Can- мочь, могу, умею

    1. Can +V

    1. Could +V

    1. Will be/shall be able to+V

    1. -Do we have to wait long?

    2. -Yes, you do.

    1. Have to ( have got to)-должен, приходится поневоле, вынужден(в силу обстоятельств)

    1. Have to/has to +V

    1. had to +V

    1. Shall/have

    2. Will/ to+ V

    1. I am to meet her in the library today.

    1. Be to-должен(я обещал, запланировал по расписанию, по договоренности)

    1. Am to

    2. Are to +V

    3. Is to

    1. Was to

    2. +V

    3. Were to

    1. You should study the English words before you go to bed.

    1. Should-должен(следует по моему мнению, совету)

    1. Should +V

    1. You ought to return the book to me on time.

    1. Ought to-следует, должен(это твой моральный долг, когда мы говорим о законе, правилах)

    1. Ought to +V

    1. You needn’t clean the windows.

    2. They are clean already.

    1. Neednt-нет никакой необходимости(нужды)

    2. - как модальный используется только в отрицательных или вопросительных предложениях

    1. Needn`t +V

    2. Need…+V…?

    1. May I take your pen? Yes, you may.

    1. May- разрешение, упрёк, предположение

    1. May +V

    1. Might +V

  44. a) Chose the appropriate form of the modal verb.

  45. 1. Can you to\ - (drive, swim, play) the piano?

  46. 2. What can you (to do\ do) in the evening?

  47. 3. Where have you (to go\ go) if you fall your exams?

  48. 4. What kinds of musical instruments can you (to find\ find) in the orchestra?

  49. 5. How many new words must you (to learn\learn) every day?

  50. 6. Must you (to attend\ attend) all lectures on mathematics?

  51. 7. Who must we (show\showed) the documents to?

  52. 8. Why mustn’t we (miss\ missing) the excursion to this gallery?

  53. 9. May I (used \ use) your telephone?

  54. 10. What may (happen\happening) to a man if he doesn’t follow the doctor’s advice?

  55. 11. Who should (accompany\ accompanying) you to the concert?

  56. 12. Where should art masterpieces (be\is) kept?

  57. 13. Need you (to work\ work) so much to become a good artist?

  58. 14. Do you have (to stay\to stand) in bed when you are ill?

  59. 15. Why do you have (to give up \give) playing the saxophone?

  60. 16. Is the museum (to open\ to close) at six p m?

  61. 17. (Where\Were) you to read Oliver Twist at school ?

  62. b) Translate into English. Use modals or their equivalents instead of highlighted Russian words.

  63. Ты можешь помочь мне сейчас? - Извини, не могу. Я должна идти домой, мне придётся остаться дома с сыном моей сестры. Она должна была уехать в командировку вчера. Я смогу помочь тебе завтра, если ты можешь подождать. – Когда ты должен быть дома? – Я обещала приехать домой в 7 вечера. Как часто тебе приходится заботиться о своём племяннике? – Когда я могу, я всегда помогаю ей. -Могу я что-то сделать для тебя? – Нет, не нужно.


  1. Pablo Picasso shocked public with his strange and powerful...

  1. a) Pictures

  2. b) Caricatures

  3. c) Illustrations

  1. Works of Picasso changed our ideas about…

  1. a) Literature

  2. b) Art

  3. c) Culture

  1. «…» is one of the most popular plays of G.B.Shaw.

  1. a) Mona Lisa

  2. b) Cubist

  3. c) Pygmalion

  1. To see the paintings of a famous artist, you need to go to an… or… .

  1. a) Art gallery, museum

  2. b) Exhibitions

  3. c) Theatres

  1. Today, Mona Lisa hangs in the Louvre, an art museum in…

  1. Paris

  1. b) Italy

  2. c) London

  1. ….songwriters Livingstone and Evans wrote a hit song about Mona Lisa .

  1. a)Italian

  2. b) American

  3. c) Russian

  1. Mona Lisa is famous in the world for her…

  1. a) hair

  2. b) costume

  3. c) smile

  1. Portrait is…

  1. a picture of a person, usually focusing on the face.

  2. a picture of a stretch of outdoor scenery.

  3. a picture usually done quickly and with a very little detail.

  1. …a type of music in which the singers don’t sing but speak the words quickly, in a rhythmic way

  1. Punk

  2. rap

  3. opera

  1. …a type of very loud rock music, with lots of guitars and a strong beat.

  1. Punk

  2. heavy metal

  3. jazz

  1. M.L. Rostoropovich was a Russian … .

  1. composer

  2. opera singer

  3. conductor

  1. M.L. Rostoropovich started the cello at the age of… with his father

  1. a)10

  2. b) 11

  3. c) 12

  1. The … is famous all over the world for its collections of canvases and other art objects.

  1. Tretyakov Gallery

  2. Hermitage

  3. Louvre

  1. A Russian merchant and a connoisseur of art…founded picture gallery in Moscow in the 19th century.

  1. D.Shostakovich

  2. S.Prokofiev

  3. P.Tretyakov

  1. The Tretyakov Gallery reflects the whole history of…art

  1. American

  2. Italian

  3. Russian

  1. Russia is world-famous for its …

  1. a) literature

  2. b) culture

  3. c)art

  1. The «golden age» of Russian literature began in the…century

  1. a)18th

  2. b)19th

  3. c)20th

  1. Alexander Pushkin was the author of more than…lyrical poems.

  1. 500

  2. 600

  3. 700

  1. The real Russian jewel of architecture is the Moscow…

  1. Kremlin

  2. St Basils Cathedral

  3. Treyakov Gallery

  1. All people of our country`s culture make their contribution into … culture and art.

  1. American

  2. Italian

  3. Russian

  1. 3A Choosing a carrier

  2. READING the way into career

  3. a) Pre-reading task. Make different word combinations from the words in the box. Then read this short text and try to understand it.

  4. Words for learning

    1. Real noble necessary mortal medical infectious

    2. Profession disease college nurse person doctor patient

  5. The Work of a Nurse

  6. You know I am a medical college student now. My future profession is nursing. The work of nurses is very important and necessary.

  7. Every nurse must remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient will react to diseases in his own way. That is why each patient needs special care.

  8. Observations of a nurse are also very important. The nurse can see any changes in the health of her patients. Her observations will help doctors to diagnose and treat the patients. In a hospital, the nurse has a lot of duties and she works in many areas: in wards, laboratories, emergency department, etc.

  9. In wards, the nurse gives medicines, makes injections, and applies cups and mustard plasters. She carries out all orders of doctors.

  10. Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work, because she must help people any hour of the day and night. She must take care of patients even if they have mortal infectious diseases.

  11. The fact is that research work goes on not only in laboratories but also in hospital wards. Every nurse must be a member of the clinical research team.

  12. The life of nurses is devoted to people; they are always responsible for what they do.

  13. b) Finish the sentences.

  14. 1) The profession of the nurse is ________________. 2) A nurse must be _____________________.

  15. 3) A nurse makes ___________________. 4) A nurse gives ________________________.

  16. 5) A nurse puts ____________________________. 6) A nurse takes care of __________________.

  17. 7) A nurse is responsible for ___________________. 8) A nurse must have ____________________.

  18. c) Chose the necessary word from the brackets.

  1. The work of a nurse is ... to people (presented, devoted).

  2. The nurse ... for patients (cares, looks).

  3. She must apply ... and ... (medicines, cups, mustard plasters, injections).

  4. The nurse must have enough ... (books, magazines, knowledge).

  1. 3B Looking for a job


  1. Match the professions and their descriptions.

  1. _____ Journalist 1) person who drives a bus.

  2. _____ Teacher 2) He/she works in a school and teaches students.

  3. _____ police officer 3) rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires.

  4. _____ accountant 4) works in hospital and helps doctors.

  5. _____ Business person 5) defends people's rights in court.

  6. _____ doctor 6) flies an airplane.

  7. _____ nurse 7) takes people's orders in a restaurant and serves them food.

  8. _____ pilot 8) works in a police station and maintains public security.

  9. _____ taxi driver 9) works in a bank and keeps records of money.

  10. _____ bus driver 10) works in a hospital and treats patients.

  11. _____ manager 11) answers phone calls and does office work for his/her boss.

  12. _____ chef 12) drives a taxi.

  13. _____ actor 13) person who reports news on TV, radio or Newspaper.

  14. _____ actor 14) does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel.

  15. _____ firefighter 15) a woman who plays a role in a movie.

  16. _____ waiter 16) manages the affairs of a company or business.

  17. _____ lawyer 17) one who does business.

  18. _____ secretary 18) a man who acts in a movie.

  1. Put these words under the following headings: a) is working with animals b) being alone c)working on your own d) taking responsibility e) working outdoors f) together with other people g)relationships with somebody

  1. a

  1. b

  1. c

  1. d

  1. e

  1. f

  1. g

  1. Linguistic guide

  2. The difference between the following words job, a work, an occupation, a profession, a career.

    • Your job is the work that you do regularly in order to earn money, especially when you work for a company or public organization.

    • Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that you do to earn money, either working for a company or for yourself.

    • We use occupation to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does. Occupation is used mainly on official forms.

    • A profession is a kind of work for which you need special training and a good education.

    • Your career is the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life

  3.  с)  Insert the words according to the meaning:

  1. occupation – job – work – career – trade – vocation – position- salary

  1. Why is it important to choose the right…

  2. Looking for a … is hard…

  3. We finished the test and the teacher collected our…

  4. She spent most of her … as a teacher in London.

  5. He tried many … but finally he chose the …of a shoemaker.

  6. Thousands of workers lost their… when the factory closed.

  7. It had taken her several years before she realized that she had no … for teaching.

  8. What’s your current…?

  9. Indecisive people refuse to face the …problem.

  10. The … of bank manager is still open.

  11. The construction of the factory in the town created a lot of …

  12. There are many … open to the University graduates.


    1. Put the words in these questions in the correct order. Match the questions above with the answers below. In pairs, perform the dialogue using the following exercise.

  1. Living do do what for you a ?

  2. You do much how earn?

  3. Tax you pay do have income to?

  4. Much do get holiday you how?

  5. Overtime in you do work job have to your?

  6. Pay you do holiday get?

  7. Pay get sick you do?

  8. Your what involve does job?

      1. Yes, if we are very busy.

      2. Yes, up to six months’ full salary.

      3. £40,000 per year.

      4. Yes, I pay 40% a year to the government.

      5. I deal with overseas clients, mainly.

      6. 28 days.

      7. I work for an international bank.

      8. Yes, it is included in my salary.

  1. LISTENING Track 38 Аудиофайл

    1. Read after the speaker and match the names of professions with the pictures.

  1. Mechanic, chemist, accountant vet, lawyer, hairdresser, decorator, make-up designer, interpreter, chef, librarian, shoemaker, electrician, carpenter, tailor.


  3. 3 С the Perfect Continuous Tenses

    1. Present Perfect Continuous

    1. Past Perfect Continuous

    1. Future Perfect Continuous

    1. П + has|have been + V-ing .

    1. П + had been + V-ing .

    1. П + will\shall have been + V-ing .

    1. П + has|have not been + V-ing .

    1. П + had not been + V-ing .

    1. П +won`t\ shan`t |have been + V-ing .

    1. Wh +has\have+ П+ been + V-ing… ?

    1. Wh +had+ П+ been + V-ing… ?

    1. Wh +shall\ will+ П+have been + V-ing… ?

    1. Временные указатели: for a…, since

  4. a) Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done etc.) or continuous (I have been doing etc.).

  5. 1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/play) tennis?

  6. 2. Look! Somebody --- (break) that window.

  7. 3. You look tired. --- (you/work) hard?

  8. 4. '--- (you/ever/work) in a factory?' 'No, never.'

  9. 5. 'Jane is away on holiday.' 'Oh, is she? Where --- (she/go)?

  10. 6. My brother is an actor. He --- (appear) In several films.

  11. 7. 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I --- (not/wait) long.'

  12. 8. 'Is it still raining?' 'No, it --- (stop).'

  13. 9. I --- (lose) my address book. --- (you/see) it anywhere?

  14. 10. I --- (read) the book you lent me but I --- (not/finish) it yet.

  15. 11. I --- (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.

  16. b) Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.

  17. 1. I was very tired when I arrived home.

  18. (I/work/hard all day)

  19. I had been working hard all day.

  20. 2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.

  21. (They/play/football)

  22. 3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.

  23. (Somebody/smoke/in the room)

  24. 4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was.

  25. (She/dream)

  26. 5. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.

  27. (He/watch/TV)

  28. c) For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets.

  29. 1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask: (how long/learn/Arabic?) How long have you been learning Arabic?

  30. 2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (how long/wait?)

  31. 3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask: (how many fish/catch?)

  32. 4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people/invite?)

  33. 5. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long/reach?)

  34. 6. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books/write?)

  35. (how long/write/books?)

  36. 7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask: (how long/save?)

  37. (how much money/save?)


    1. Journalist is a …. .

  1. Person who reports news on Mass Media

  2. Person who drives a bus, taxi

  3. Person who treats patients

    1. Teacher is a … .

  1. A person who works in a bank and keeps records of money

  2. Person who works in a college and teaches students

  3. Person who works in a police station

    1. Doctor is a …

  1. Person who answers phone calls in a hospital

  2. Person who manages the affairs of a hospital

  3. Person who works in a hospital and treats patients

    1. Nurse is a ……..

  1. Person who works in a hospital and helps doctors

  2. Person who takes patients in a hospital

  3. Person who defends patients from the diseases

    1. Programmer is a …….

  1. Person who design software programs

  2. Person who works on updating, modifying expending repairing programs

  3. Person who writs computer programs

    1. A … is a person who is a specialist in library work.

  1. Lawyer

  2. Lecturer

  3. Librarian

    1. A … is a person who works at the make-up counters.

  1. Cosmetologist

  1. b) Artist

  2. c) Journalist

    1. Nursing profession… give the adventure and wide variety of exiting job opportunities.

  1. Must

  2. Can

  3. Should

    1. The work of … is very important and necessary today.

  1. Doctors

  2. Teachers

  3. Nurses

    1. Each patient needs special … .

  1. Care

  2. Order

  3. Advice

    1. …. of a nurse are also very important/

  1. Prescriptions

  2. Observations

  3. treatment

    1. The nurse can see any changes in the … of her patients.

  1. Disease

  2. Life

  3. Health

    1. ….observations will help doctor to diagnose and treat the patients.

  1. Her

  2. Him

  3. He

    1. In a hospital, the nurse has a lot of … and she works in many areas.

  1. Care

  2. Duties

  3. Medicines

    1. In …the nurse gives medicines, makes injections, apply cups and compress.

  1. Community

  2. Hospital

  3. Ward

    1. She has been dreaming about a round sea voyage… the time when she became interested in the tourism business.

  1. For

  2. Since

  3. During

    1. He studied Japanese… three years but then, all of a sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.

  1. For

  2. Since

  3. During

    1. Do you remember going on any trips with your group mates …the academic year.

  1. For

  2. Since

  3. During

    1. He hasn`t flown … that unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.

  1. For

  2. Since

  3. during

    1. Because of my parents jobs I travelled a lot …my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.

  1. For

  2. Since

  3. During

  1. Основные источники:

  2. 1. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО / Г. Т. Безкоровайная, Е.А. Койранская, Н.И.Соколова, Г.В.Лаврик. — М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2014. -256 с.

  3. 2. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО / Г. Т. Безкоровайная, Е.А. Койранская, Н.И.Соколова, Г.В.Лаврик. электронный учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для учреждений СПО. - М., Академия, 2015. -255 с.

  4. 3. Соколова Н.И. Planet of English: Humanities Practice Book. Английский язык. Практикум для специальностей гуманитарного профиля СПО. электронный учебно-методический комплекс английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., Академия, 2014. - 89 с.

  5. 4. Тимофеев В. Г., Вильнер А. Б., Колесникова И. Л. и др. Учебник английского языка для 10 класса (базовый уровень) / под ред. В. Г. Тимофеева. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2012. – 261 с.

  6. 5. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский и русско-английский. – М.: Эксмо, 2012. – 698 с.

  7. 6. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley Upstream. Elementary A2 Student’s book - Express Publishing, р. 145, 2012

  8. 7. Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley Upstream. Elementary A2 Workbook student’s book - Express Publishing, p. 97, 2014

  9. Дополнительные источники

  10. 1. Global Beginner Coursebook. Кейт Пикеринг, Джеки Макэвой, - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, 2012 Global Elementary Coursebook. Линдсей Кленфилд, Ребекка Роб Бени, - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 198, 2012

  11. 2. Global Pre-intermediate Coursebook. Линдсей Кленфилд, - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 199, 2012

  12. 3. In Company Second Edition, Elementary Student's Book with CD-Rom. Саймон Кларк - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 240, 2012

  13. 4. In Company Second Edition, Pre-intermediate Student's Book with CD-Rom. Саймон Кларк - Оксфорд, Макмиллан, р. 137, 2013

  14. Интернет ресурсы:

  15. www.lingvo-online.ru (более 30 англо-русских, русско-английских и толковых словарей общей и отраслевой лексики).

  16. www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/enjoy (Macmillan Dictionary с возможностью прослушать произношение слов).

  17. www.britannica.com (энциклопедия «Британника»).

  18. www.ldoceonline.com (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

  19. http://www.britannica.co.uk

  20. http://en.wikipedia.org

  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/

  22. http://www.hospitalenglish. com

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