Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  8 класс  /  Проверочная работа на употребление the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous.

Проверочная работа на употребление the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous.

Работа предназначена для проверки сформированности грамматических навыков учащихся по теме "The use of the Present Perfect, the Present Perfect Continuous tenses".

Содержимое разработки

Open the brackets using either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to look) for Tom since morning. Where has he been?

2. Believe me I (to know) Mike for ages.

3. Mr. Black (to work) as a doctor for 25 years.

4. Your eyes are red. You (to cry)?

5. Would you like a cup of coffee? – No, I (to give up) drinking it.

6. I want to know where they (to go).

7. She is late. He (to wait) for her for two hours.

8. Listen! His German (to improve) since he left college.

9. My grandparents (to live) in London since they got married.

10. Join us, we (to discuss) plans for a summer vacation.

11. He looks very tired, he (to work) the whole day.

12. You may turn off the TV set, I already (to watch) the news.

13. We are having the exam tomorrow. We (to prepare) since Friday.

14. He (to write) a great book, we are impressed by it.

15. You (to learn) English for 3 years or more?

16. You should stay in bed, because you (to catch) a cold.

17. What a nasty day! I (to rain) since morning.

18. Why are you upset? What (to happen)?

19. I’m having a party on Saturday. I just (to send) invitations to my friends.

20. It’s the best restaurant I ever (to visit) in my life.

21. Mark is out of breath. He (to run) for two hours.

22. How many cakes mum (to cook) by now?

23. We (not to see) him for ages, because he lives abroad.

24. You ever (to be) to China?

25. Look, it’s snowing! It’s (not to snow) here since 1997!

Open the brackets using either the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to look) for Tom since morning. Where has he been?

2. Believe me I (to know) Mike for ages.

3. Mr. Black (to work) as a doctor for 25 years.

4. Your eyes are red. You (to cry)?

5. Would you like a cup of coffee? – No, I (to give up) drinking it.

6. I want to know where they (to go).

7. She is late. He (to wait) for her for two hours.

8. Listen! His German (to improve) since he left college.

9. My grandparents (to live) in London since they got married.

10. Join us, we (to discuss) plans for a summer vacation.

11. He looks very tired, he (to work) the whole day.

12. You may turn off the TV set, I already (to watch) the news.

13. We are having the exam tomorrow. We (to prepare) since Friday.

14. He (to write) a great book, we are impressed by it.

15. You (to learn) English for 3 years or more?

16. You should stay in bed, because you (to catch) a cold.

17. What a nasty day! I (to rain) since morning.

18. Why are you upset? What (to happen)?

19. I’m having a party on Saturday. I just (to send) invitations to my friends.

20. It’s the best restaurant I ever (to visit) in my life.

21. Mark is out of breath. He (to run) for two hours.

22. How many cakes mum (to cook) by now?

23. We (not to see) him for ages, because he lives abroad.

24. You ever (to be) to China?

25. Look, it’s snowing! It’s (not to snow) here since 1997!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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