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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Великобритания"

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Великобритания" используется на уроке с целью отработки лексического материала по теме, развития навыков чтения.


Содержимое разработки



Look at the pictures. Say what parts of England they show and describe this areas.

Look at the pictures. Say what parts of England they show and describe this areas.

  Work in pairs.  Read and guess what the underlined words mean.   1)That was an official  ceremony and all the  ladies were wearing long dresses. 2)What is the Queen's official residence in London? 3)What is the main avenue of the city? 4)Have you ever seen any procession in which the Queen of Britain took part? 5)Public processions are important events of the city life. 6)Cheburashka is a famous character of many children's cartoons in Russia. 7)Queens and kings are monarchs . 8)Men are often interested in politics  . 9)Who can control that? 10)A throne  is a seat where monarchs sit during official ceremonies. 11)Have you read any tragedies by William Shakespeare? 12)He is not fond of classical music. 13)Britain was a great empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Work in pairs. Read and guess what the underlined words mean.

1)That was an official ceremony and all the ladies were wearing long dresses.

2)What is the Queen's official residence in London?

3)What is the main avenue of the city?

4)Have you ever seen any procession in which the Queen of Britain took part?

5)Public processions are important events of the city life.

6)Cheburashka is a famous character of many children's cartoons in Russia.

7)Queens and kings are monarchs .

8)Men are often interested in politics .

9)Who can control that?

10)A throne is a seat where monarchs sit during official ceremonies.

11)Have you read any tragedies by William Shakespeare?

12)He is not fond of classical music.

13)Britain was a great empire at the beginning of the 20th century.

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and  sentences to know how to use them.   to own  (v): to own a house, to own a factory, to own a pet. This house is mine; I own it. Who owns this land? a crown  (n): to wear the crown, a crown of gold. A crown is the head dress of gold worn by a king or a queen. Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies. to crown  (v): to be crowned. Where was Queen Elizabeth II crowned? to reign  [rein] (v): to reign over/in the country, the reigning monarch. In Britain the monarch reigns but has no real power. reign  (л): the longest reign in history. What do you know about the reign of King Henry VIII? The reign of a king or queen is the time during which he or she rules.  to defeat  (v): to defeat the enemy, to defeat the army, to be defeated. The Spanish fleet was defeated by Admiral Nelson in the battle of Trafalgar. undefeated : King Arthur and his men were undefeated. defeat  (n): Six wins and three defeats for the team. I never think about the possibility of defeat.

Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

  • to own (v): to own a house, to own a factory, to own a pet.
  • This house is mine; I own it. Who owns this land?
  • a crown (n): to wear the crown, a crown of gold. A crown
  • is the head dress of gold worn by a king or a queen. Kings and
  • queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.
  • to crown (v): to be crowned. Where was Queen Elizabeth II crowned?
  • to reign [rein] (v): to reign over/in the country, the reigning
  • monarch. In Britain the monarch reigns but has no real
  • power.
  • reign (л): the longest reign in history. What do you know about the
  • reign of King Henry VIII? The reign of a king or queen is the
  • time during which he or she rules.
  • to defeat (v): to defeat the enemy, to defeat the army, to be
  • defeated. The Spanish fleet was defeated by Admiral Nelson in the
  • battle of Trafalgar.
  • undefeated : King Arthur and his men were undefeated.
  • defeat (n): Six wins and three defeats for the team. I never think
  • about the possibility of defeat.
to remind  (v): to remind smb. of sth., to remind smb. to do sth. Do I have to remind you about it again? Remind me to answer that letter. He reminds me of his brother. This song reminds us of France.That reminds me I must give some milk to the cat. to touch  (v) : to touch sth. Don't touch the kettle: it's very hot. One of the branches was just touching the water. Touch wood. Some people say
  • to remind (v): to remind smb. of sth., to remind smb.
  • to do sth. Do I have to remind you about it again? Remind me
  • to answer that letter. He reminds me of his brother. This song
  • reminds us of France.That reminds me I must give some milk to the cat.
  • to touch (v) : to touch sth. Don't touch the kettle: it's very hot.
  • One of the branches was just touching the water. Touch wood.
  • Some people say "Touch wood", and often touch a piece of wood,
  • not to have bad luck,
  • touching (adj): a touching story, a touching film. How
  • touching!
  • a reason (n ): reasons, the only reason, an important reason,
  • a bad reason for sth. Give me your reasons for going there. The
  • reason why I'm late is that I missed the bus. We have a good
  • reason to believe that he is lying. We aren't going for the simple
  • reason that we have no time.
Work in groups of four.  Make up word combinations with the new words and use them in sentences of your own (at least 10 sentences). Use the words from the word box. to own to defeat to touch to remind of  house  enemy  meeting  army  water  team  cottage  palace baby  farm  words holidays  fleet  wood  ground  feet

Work in groups of four. Make up word combinations with the new words and use them in sentences of your own (at least 10 sentences). Use the words from the word box.

to own to defeat to touch

to remind of

house enemy meeting army water team cottage palace baby farm words holidays fleet wood ground feet

Complete the sentences with the new words  1. There are several ... why we can't do that. 2. You can see royal ... in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver and stones and look so beautiful. 3. This photo always ... me of the happy days I spent in Greece. 4. Who is the main ... in

Complete the sentences with the new words

  • 1. There are several ... why we can't do that.
  • 2. You can see royal ... in the Tower of London. They are made of gold, silver and stones and look so beautiful.
  • 3. This photo always ... me of the happy days I spent in Greece.
  • 4. Who is the main ... in "Cinderella"?
  • 5. I am not interested in ... but my father is.
  • 6. Who ... this bit of land?
  • 7. Windsor Castle ['winza 'kasl] is the summer ... of the Queen. 8. My aunt often goes to concerts of ... music.
  • 9. In Britain the Queen ... but does not rule.
  • 10. The old lady's fingers ... the girl's hair.
  • 1 1. When we lost the game last Friday we all felt that it was a terrible ... . 12. The ... home of the British Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street.
Translate into English 1 Какой дворец является официальной резиденцией королевы? 2 Где расположен лондонский зоопарк? 3 Кто правил Англией в конце 16 века? 4 Почему король Генрих 8 был одним из выдающихся монархов Британии? 5 Чьё правление было самым долгим в истории Англии? 6 Когда королева Елизавета II взошла на престол( come to the throne) ? 7 Королева Елизавета II - внучка королевы Виктории, не так ли?

Translate into English

1 Какой дворец является официальной резиденцией королевы?

2 Где расположен лондонский зоопарк?

3 Кто правил Англией в конце 16 века?

4 Почему король Генрих 8 был одним из выдающихся монархов Британии?

5 Чьё правление было самым долгим в истории Англии?

6 Когда королева Елизавета II взошла на престол( come to the throne) ?

7 Королева Елизавета II - внучка королевы Виктории, не так ли?

Ask your friends questions about the royal family, find out: how many members there are in the Windsor family if all her children are married how many grandchildren the Queen has got who the Queen is married to if the Queen has any brothers or sisters who the Queen's eldest child is who the youngest child is who Prince William and Prince Henry's parents are who can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth.

Ask your friends questions about the royal family, find out:

  • how many members there are in the Windsor family
  • if all her children are married
  • how many grandchildren the Queen has got
  • who the Queen is married to
  • if the Queen has any brothers or sisters
  • who the Queen's eldest child is
  • who the youngest child is
  • who Prince William and Prince Henry's parents are
  • who can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth.
Look at the map of London, find the places you know, say where they are situated and what you know about them.

Look at the map of London, find the places you know, say where they are situated and what you know about them.

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Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

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