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Преимущества и недостатки спорта (Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport)

Преимущества и недостатки спорта

Содержимое разработки

Интегрированные задания по чтению и аудированию в рамках изучения темы: Преимущества и недостатки спорта (Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport)

5 класс

Костенко Ольга Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ "Сокольская СОШ", Суздальский район

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport

Reading Part

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sport

Everyone knows that physical activity is very good for our health. Regular workouts improve cardiac performance and blood circulation. Thanks to physical activity a person becomes stronger and more energetic.

Sport helps develop confidence. Self-esteem and belief in one’s own strength increase if a person starts going in for sports.

Sport stimulates brain activity. Many years ago it was proved that people who engage in sports are more stable mentally and emotionally. They are more confident in making decisions and are more concentrated while doing some work.

Sport makes our life more interesting. The number of places where one can go in for sports is endless. The possibilities of joining a new community and making new friends are endless, too. People join fitness clubs, attend swimming pools and even go to parks to do some outdoor yoga.

There is always a risk of being injured when going in for sports. Even professionals get injuries despite having done different exercises for years. If somebody suffers an injury, it is good to know how to give first aid.

Not all sports are equally affordable. There are kinds of sports that are quite cheap which makes them affordable for majority of people (for example, yoga and swimming). But there are sports that can be very expensive. Sometimes people have to pay a lot of money for sports equipment (for example, golf clubs, mountain bikes or skis) or classes with a coach (for example, private sessions with a tennis instructor).

a) what are the advantages of sport?

b) what does sport stimulate?

с) what are the disadvantages of sport?

Listening Part

2. Watch the video and answer the questions


a. What does sport mean?

b. Why is sport useful?

c. What kinds of sport do you know?

3. Based on what you read and heard, decide whether the following statements are true or false

a. Individual sports are cycling gymnastics triathlon swimming

b. Sport activity is very good for our health

c. People like to watch sports

4. Discuss the following questions:

a. Do you like sport?

b. Can you tell me about your favorite sport?

c. Do you have any sports club?

d. How much time do you usually spend in sections?

5. Let dance: Sports Song - Educational Children Song - Learning English Sports for Kids.mp4

Answer keys

1. Read the text and answer the questions

a. Sport helps develop confidence or sport stimulates brain activity.

b. Sport stimulates brain activity.

c. Sports can be very expensive. Sometimes people have to pay a lot of money for sports equipment or classes with a coach.

2. Watch the video and answer the questions

a. It includes different forms of activity or games.

b. Helps people become strong

c. Individual team

3. Based on what you read and heard, decide whether the following statements are true or false

a. False b. True c. False


  1. Текст: https://www.interactive-english.ru/essays/653-sport-pros-and-cons/

  2. Видео: Топик SPORT in Our Life - Спорт в нашей жизни.mp4

  3. Физкультминутка: Sports Song - Educational Children Song - Learning English Sports for Kids.mp4

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