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Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan

Урок английского языка по теме "Music in our life" составлен с использованием текста для чтения, а также материалов для развития устной речи учащихся. Использованы музыкальные элементы, которые должны быть описанны на английском языке, опираясь на вспомогательный лексический материал.


Содержимое разработки

Theme: Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Preposition of place and time


a) educational: to train speaking habits, understand the main points of the text with a lot of support

b) developing: develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

c) up-bringing: to educate feeling of love towards English,

Visual aids: worksheets, pictures, textbook.

Procedure of the lesson:

1. Organization moment.

T: Good morning students. Sit down! How are you? Who is on duty today?

Are you ready for this lesson? Today we are going to speak about Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. Preposition of place and time

2. Checking up home task.

T: Let’s check up your home task. What was the home task for today? Thank you for your answers!

3 Brain storming.

1. Who is the Head of Kazakhstan?

2. When does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence Day?

3. How often do you use network?

4. What do you know about Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan?

Video “Cultural heritage of Kazakhstan”

¨Culture is the reflection of nation, its soul, intelligence and nobility. Civilized people is proud of its history, development of culture, great people that brought fame to the state and made a great contribution in the golden fund of world achievements of thoughts and art. It is by means of culture and traditions that nation becomes famous¨

N.A. Nazarbaev

4 New theme

Cultural heritage is the object of careful attention in Kazakhstan. The year 2003 was significant in the development of culture. In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan the president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaev ordered to elaborate and start realization of the special State program “Cultural heritage”.

The realization of the program was started in 2004 and supposed for two years. Later there were worked out another two stages of the program: 2007- 2009 and 2009- 2011.

The State program “Cultural heritage” elaborated under the initiative of President Nazarbayev became the basic document in the sphere of development of spiritual and educational activity, providing of preservation and effective use of cultural heritage of the state. Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS-countries to start realization of such scaled project.

The aims of the “Cultural heritage” are studying, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the state, revival of historical and cultural traditions and propaganda of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The State program “Cultural heritage” became the strategic national project that determined the state approach to culture.

The State program “Cultural heritage”is realized according to several thematic trends:

  • Reproduction of historical and cultural and architectural monuments that are of special importance for national culture;

  • Archeological research;

  • Scientific works in the sphere of cultural heritage of the Kazakh;

  • Generalization of the century-old experience of national literature and writings, creation of expanded belles and scientific series.

During the realization of the program they created a system of studying the national cultural heritage, including modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs.

From the moment of adoption of the program in 2004 there were finished restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture, archeological researches of 39 ancient settlements and barrows were held.

The National list of history and culture monuments of Kazakhstan that includes 218 objects was elaborated and approved of. 30 applied scientific researches of architectural and archeological monuments having significance for the national culture were made.

The program “Cultural heritage” includes also the development of tourist cluster(pilgrimage tourism, historical and archeological tourism). Recommendations of archeologists play an important role in elaboration of touristic routes.

In terms of the program “Cultural heritage” the state works on restoration of monuments abroad. In Damask (Syria) in 2007 they started construction of mausoleum and historical and cultural center of Al-Farabi, in Cairo (Egypt) they are restoring the mosque of Sultan Az-Zakhir Beibars.

For the first time after acquiring independence Kazakhstan started to create a full fund of humanitarian education in the Kazakh language. It was published more than 350 books, including unique series on history, archeology, ethnography, new encyclopedic dictionaries.

The Program envies ages and successfully realizes scientific and research expeditions in archives and libraries of abroad cities to revel and acquire manuscripts, rare books and archive documents that are of historical value in cultural heritage of the Kazakh people.

They organized scientific and research expeditions in China, Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Armenia, and USA and states of Western Europe. Following their results it was acquired about 5 thousand manuscripts and writings on history, ethnography, art of Kazakhstan that were unknown before.

Research of music of Middle Ages was held in the Chinese sources they found the text so ancient works that have already been translated. The Kazakh anthology of music “Myn Kui” was published.

The project involves all intellectual facilities of modern Kazakhstan: academic institutes of literature and art, philosophy, history and ethnography, linguistics, etc., National library and postsecondary institutions of the state.

Being unprecedented humanitarian campaign in the history of Kazakhstan the program “Cultural heritage” opened riches of national treasury of Kazakhstani people to the world.

I Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan in terms of the program "Madeni Mura" "Мәдени Мұрабағдарламасының аясындағы Қазақстанның тарихи және мәдени ескерткіштері

  • In 2004 under the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan  Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev there was elaborated and adopted the State program “Cultural heritage”. One of the priorities of the program is restoration, conservation and museumification of monuments of history and culture.

  • From the moment of adoption of the state program “Cultural heritage” till the present time there were completed restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture such as: mausoleums of Aisha Bibi, Arystan Baba, Abat Baitak, Esimkhan, Kara Sopy, Makul Tam, Iskak Ata, Dzhabrail Ata, necropolis Karaman Ata, complex “Abylai khan Residence” in Petropalovsk, 39 ancient settlements and barrows were archeologically examined. The National list of monuments of history and culture with 218 objects was prepared. 30 applied research of architectural and archeological monuments that are of special significance for the national culture were made.

  • In terms of the program “Cultural heritage” the state works on restoration of monuments abroad. In Damask (Syria) in 2007 they started construction of mausoleum and historical and cultural center of Al-Farabi, in Cairo (Egypt) they are restoring the mosque of Sultan Az-Zakhir Beibars.

  1. What restoration works were completed from the moment of adoption of the state program?

  2. What monuments were revealed?

  3. What monuments abroad?

  4. How many objects of the National list of monuments were restored?

II Music Legacy - Асыл мұра

Traditional music of the Kazakh people is a rich treasury of spiritual heritage. It embodies all the talent and wisdom of the people; in third millennium it acquired special historical significance, especial artistic and cultural value.

In terms of the National program “Cultural heritage” they created the project Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music “Mangilik saryn: kazaktyn 1000 kui, 1000 ani” (“Immortal melodies: 1000 kui, 1000 songs”). This is a grand and unprecedented work on collection, preparation, processing, restoration, digitalization and release of CDs with the Kazakh traditional music in authentic performance in the history of the national culture.The Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music is a unique full collection of the works of the Kazakh traditional art (many songs and almost all significant dombra, sybyzgy and kobyz kui) in the digital media. The majority of the records were unavailable before to the wide audience. Now all who wish can listen to the classical samples of the performance perfection.

  1. What does traditional music of the Kazakh people embody?

  2. How many kue and songs were included in the project Anthology of national music?

  3. What were they converted into?

The Kazakh steppe over the centuries lived by inspired poetry, accurate eloquence, rousing kui and heart felt songs. Music penetrated the life of Kazakh; it is heard at festivities, in ceremonies and rituals, in routine works, etc. The Kazakh people are notable for the unusual musical talent, almost in any family there is a person that can wonderful sing or play folk instruments. People say: “The God put a part of kui in the soul of each Kazakh from the moment of his birth”.

The talent of the Kazakh people was accurately described by a great Russians scientist A.I. Levshin, who was called by Sh.Valikhanov as “Herodotus us of the Kazakh steppe”: “The Kazakhs are a new evidence that a man was born as a poet or musician”. A. Eichhorn in the introduction to his work on music of the Kazakh wrote the following: “The Kazakh songs are jauntily childish and gay like colts at the green pastures, strong and cheerful, powerful and free like an eagle rising to the blue sky in steppe. The Kazakh songs sung by every body from a boy to an elder, by both girls and women are… the inviolable property, an exact mound of the Kazakh people!”. A famous Russian scientist G. Potanin wrote the following lines: “It seems to me like all the Kazakh steppe is singing”

Physical exercises - Kara Zhorga dancing

  • A Kazakhstani national dance “Kara zhorga” and “Orteke” was proposed by Kazakhstan for entering into a World list of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.

  • It was reported during the regular meeting of the National committee on protection of intangible cultural heritage on the topic: “Modern condition of spiritual heritage of the Kazakh nation, relevant problems of its protection and development”.  

Physical exercises - Kara Zhorga dancing

III Published books under Goverment program - "Мәдени мұра

  • During the embodiment of the program an integrated system study of the national cultural heritage have been created. For the first time since independence in the republic the steps of establishment of full-fledged fund of liberal education in the state language have been taken.

  • Over 350 books have been published, amongst which there are unique series of history, archeology, ethnography, new encyclopedic dictionaries, for example, 100-volume series of “Babalar sozi”, that is represented as a collection of recorded folklore monuments, book series of “The history of Kazakh literature”, series of “The Library of World Literature”, which includes advanced literary art of Europe, America, Australia, Africa and Asia.

  • The series of "Philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people from ancient times to the present day” is a consociation of the best works, which represent a rich philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people. Philosophical views of the prominent sons of Great Steppe, started in the utterances of Korkyt-ata and continued in the views of Abai and Shakarim are rightly considered as a pearl of the world humanistic spiritual culture.

  • Each of these publications is a result of collective work of scientists, writers, translators, artists, archivists, librarians.

1. How many books have been published?

2. What kind of books?

3. What is represented in the series of “ Philosophical heritage”?

IV Archeological excavations - "Мәдени мұрабағдарламасы аясындағы археологиялық зерттеулер

  • Archeology is a very important part of the spiritual and material dimensions in the preservation of cultural heritage. Due to the program «Cultural heritage», in four years that it has existed, enormous material has been received, a lot of new information has been found, which allow us  to understand and  know our history more deeply and widely.

  • The results of Kazakh-French archeological expedition in the East Kazakhstan region have become a real sensation. Expedition under the leadership of a Famous Kazakh archaeologist Zeynulla Samashev discovered well-preserved tomb with graves of man and woman  in the burial mound near the village of Berel in Chiliktin Valley. There also have been found thirteen-riding horses, adorned with jewelry, preserved due to the permafrost of burial mound. Age of horses from Berel burial mound is 2500 years.

  •  Thanks to the original construction of burial mound’s building there have been preserved not only the meat in it’s fresh form, but also a powerful story of decorative art and unique objects of ancient jeweller's art. They are made in  Scythian-Siberian animal style, including the ceremonial decoration of Berel Chieftain’s horse, which were found in the burial mound. They were exhibited in the museum of the Presidential Center of Culture of Republic Kazakhstan after restoration and reconstruction. The secrets of the masters of Saki's period, who managed technology of manufacturing of gold ornaments, known in  populace as white gold, are not yet solved. In modern technology it is produced by electrolysis.

1. Why is archeology a very important part?

2. What was created due to the program?

3. What did Kazakh- French archeological expedition discover?

4. What is the age of horses?

5. What was the style of ancient jewellery?

6. Did it manage to save secret of old masters?

V Сакральная карта (видео)

 2007 году группа казахстанских учёных определила 7 уникальных явлений культуры, сыгравших значительную роль в истории Казахстана. Национальными сокровищами признаны 7 объектов: наскальные рисунки урочища Тамгалы, археологическая находка «Золотой человек», музыкальный народный инструмент домбра, казахская юрта, Мавзолей Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави, наскальные мечети Мангистау и монумент Байтерек.

In 2007, a group of Kazakhstani scientists identified 7 unique cultural phenomena that played a significant role in the history of Kazakhstan. 7 objects have been recognized as national treasures: rock carvings of Tamgaly, archeological find "Golden Man", musical folk instrument of dombra, Kazakh yurt, Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Mausoleum, Mangistau rock carvings and Baiterek monument.

Озеро Каинды. Чарынский каньон. Урочище Бозжира. Поющие барханы. Бекет-Ата

Аулие-Агаш. Актолагай

VI Grammar: Prepositions of time and place

Prepositions for Time. (in, on, at)

Prepositions used for time of different natures are in, on at etc.

  He was born in 1945.
          She will go to New York on 25th of March.
          The concert will begin at 7 O’clock.
          He gets up early in the morning.
          We enjoyed a lot in the summer.
          The president will deliver speech

to public on Independence Day.
          She received a lot gifts on her birthday. 
          Where were you at the lunchtime?
          I will call you at 12 A.M

Preposition for Place. (in, on, at)

Prepositions “in, on or at” are usually used for different places.

“In” is usually used for place which have some boundary (boundary may physical or virtual).

“On” is  used for surface

“At” is used for specific place.

   She lives in New York.
          Students study in library.
          The wedding ceremony will be held in the hall.
          There are some books on the table.
          The teacher wrote a sentence on blackboard.
          He was flying kite on the roof.
          Her parents were waiting for her at the entrance of

          There was a huge gathering at bus stop.
          His house is at the end of street.

Ex 1

For each question, write in the box either 'in', 'at', 'on' or "X" if there is no preposition is needed.

Начало формы

1. I'll see you  next week.

2. He was born  1991.

3. Did you see her  today.

4. It starts  tomorrow.

5. It was sunny  my birthday.

6. It will be ready  eight months.

7. What's on the TV  midnight.

8. The factory closed  June.

9.  the winter, it usually snows.

10.  Friday, she spoke to me.

11. What are you doing  the weekend.

12. I'll see you  a moment.

13. The anniversary is  May 10th.

14. Where did you go  last summer.

15. The movie starts  20 minutes.

16.  the moment, I'm busy.

17. They were very popular  the 1980s.

18. My appointment is  Thursday morning.

19. We had the meeting  last week.

20. Are you staying at home  Christmas Day.

21. I have to speak to the boss  lunchtime.

22.  8 o'clock, I must leave.

Конец формы

5 Home workThe task was to talk about seven Kazakh cultural heritages.They are:Khoja Ahmed Yassayi Mausaleum,Tamgaly Gorge,Altyn Adam,Taikazan,Aisha Bibi Mausaleum,Dombyra,Kultegin Monument

6. Conclusion: Restoring historical monuments, mastering the spiritual heritage of the departed generations, reviving and observing ancient traditions, we will be able to preserve the culture of our country, pass it on to our children. First of all, we, the citizens of our country, should realize the great value of the culture of our Motherland. Learn to appreciate and cherish, that what we got from ancestors. Know, love and respect the history of your country. Be true patriots of your state. And the most important thing to all this we must teach our children! If we ourselves value and enrich what we have, then it will be interesting for others to see our priceless treasure.

Восстанавливая исторические памятники, осваивая духовное наследие ушедших поколений, возрождая и соблюдая древние традиции мы сможем сохранить культуру своей страны, передать её своим детям. Прежде всего мы сами, граждане своей страны, должны осознавать великую ценность культуры нашей Родины. Научиться ценить и беречь, то что нам досталось от предков. Знать, любить и уважать историю своей страны. Быть настоящими патриотами своего государства. И самое главное всему этому мы должны научить своих детей! Если мы сами будем ценить и обогащать то, что имеем, то тогда и другим будет интересно увидеть наше бесценное сокровище.



Зам. директора по УР

_________Бисалиева Ж.Е.

«___»_______2017 г.

Методическая разработка открытого урока

по предмету «Английский язык» на тему

« Preservation of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan»

Преподаватель: Килибаева К.С.

Уральск – 2017 г.

I Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan in terms of the program

  • In 2004 under the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan  Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev there was elaborated and adopted the State program “Cultural heritage”. One of the priorities of the program is restoration, conservation and museumification of monuments of history and culture.

From the moment of adoption of the state program “Cultural heritage” till the present time there were completed restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture such as: mausoleums of Aisha Bibi, Arystan Baba, Abat Baitak, Esimkhan, Kara Sopy, Makul Tam, Iskak Ata, Dzhabrail Ata, necropolis Karaman Ata, complex “Abylai khan Residence” in Petropalovsk, 39 ancient settlements and barrows were archeologically examined. The National list of monuments of history and culture with 218 objects was prepared. 30 applied research of architectural and archeological monuments that are of special significance for the national culture were made.

In terms of the program “Cultural heritage” the state works on restoration of monuments abroad. In Damask (Syria) in 2007 they started construction of mausoleum and historical and cultural center of Al-Farabi, in Cairo (Egypt) they are restoring the mosque of Sultan Az-Zakhir Beibars.

II Music Legacy - 

Traditional music of the Kazakh people is a rich treasury of spiritual heritage. It embodies all the talent and wisdom of the people; in third millennium it acquired special historical significance, especial artistic and cultural value.In terms of the National program “Cultural heritage” they created the project Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music “Mangilik saryn: kazaktyn 1000 kui, 1000 ani” (“Immortal melodies: 1000 kui, 1000 songs”). This is a grand and unprecedented work on collection, preparation, processing, restoration, digitalization and release of CDs with the Kazakh traditional music in authentic performance in the history of the national culture.The Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music is a unique full collection of the works of the Kazakh traditional art (many songs and almost all significant dombra, sybyzgy and kobyz kui) in the digital media. The majority of the records were unavailable before to the wide audience. Now all who wish can listen to the classical samples of the performance perfection.

III Published books under Goverment program - During the embodiment of the program an integrated system study of the national cultural heritage have been created. For the first time since independence in the republic the steps of establishment of full-fledged fund of liberal education in the state language have been taken.

Over 350 books have been published, amongst which there are unique series of history, archeology, ethnography, new encyclopedic dictionaries, for example, 100-volume series of “Babalar sozi”, that is represented as a collection of recorded folklore monuments, book series of “The history of Kazakh literature”, series of “The Library of World Literature”, which includes advanced literary art of Europe, America, Australia, Africa and Asia.

The series of "Philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people from ancient times to the present day” is a consociation of the best works, which represent a rich philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people. Philosophical views of the prominent sons of Great Steppe, started in the utterances of Korkyt-ata and continued in the views of Abai and Shakarim are rightly considered as a pearl of the world humanistic spiritual culture.

Each of these publications is a result of collective work of scientists, writers, translators, artists, archivists, librarians.

IV Archeological excavations -

Archeology is a very important part of the spiritual and material dimensions in the preservation of cultural heritage. Due to the program «Cultural heritage», in four years that it has existed, enormous material has been received, a lot of new information has been found, which allow us  to understand and  know our history more deeply and widely.

The results of Kazakh-French archeological expedition in the East Kazakhstan region have become a real sensation. Expedition under the leadership of a Famous Kazakh archaeologist Zeynulla Samashev discovered well-preserved tomb with graves of man and woman  in the burial mound near the village of Berel in Chiliktin Valley. There also have been found thirteen-riding horses, adorned with jewelry, preserved due to the permafrost of burial mound. Age of horses from Berel burial mound is 2500 years.

 Thanks to the original construction of burial mound’s building there have been preserved not only the meat in it’s fresh form, but also a powerful story of decorative art and unique objects of ancient jeweller's art. They are made in  Scythian-Siberian animal style, including the ceremonial decoration of Berel Chieftain’s horse, which were found in the burial mound. They were exhibited in the museum of the Presidential Center of Culture of Republic Kazakhstan after restoration and reconstruction. The secrets of the masters of Saki's period, who managed technology of manufacturing of gold ornaments, known in  populace as white gold, are not yet solved. In modern technology it is produced by electrolysi

Ханака (приют, обитель) Ахмеда Яссауи – центр суфийского ордена яссауитов – сооружена по указанию Тимура (1336—1405), основателя империи Тимуридов, в конце XIV века на окраине Мавераннахра (историческая область в Центральной Азии). Строительство мавзолея началось в 1396 году сразу после победоносного похода Тимура против хана Золотой Орды Тохтамыша. Из надписей на стенах памятника и шестигранном изразце ребристого купола усыпальницы прочитаны имена мастеров Ходжи-Хасана (Хусейна) и Шаме-и-Абдал-Ваххаба из Шираза.

Khanaka (shelter, abode) Ahmed Yassaui - the center of the Sufi order of the Yassauites - was built at the direction of Timur (1336-1405), the founder of the Timurid empire, at the end of the XIV century on the outskirts of Maverannahr (the historical region in Central Asia). Construction of the mausoleum began in 1396 immediately after the victorious campaign of Timur against the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh. From the inscriptions on the walls of the monument and the hexagonal tile of the ribbed dome of the tomb, the names of masters Khodzhi-Hasan (Hussein) and Shame-i-Abdal-Wahhab from Shiraz are read.

Как говорится в легенде, по распоряжению Амира Тимура над могилой Ходжа Ахмеда Яссави началось строительство мечети (1338-1405). Все попытки возвести стены терпели неудачу по вине внезапно появлявшегося зеленого быка, который все разрушал. Явившийся во сне Тимуру святой сказал, что сначала нужно построить мавзолей над могилой святого Арыстан-баба, а затем над могилой Х.А.Яссави. Что Тимур и сделал. Поэтому паломники первым посещают мавзолей учителя Арыстан-баба, а потом мавзолей Х.А.Яссави. 

As the legend says, by the order of Amir Timur over the tomb of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi the construction of a mosque (1338-1405) began. All attempts to erect walls failed due to the sudden appearance of a green bull that destroyed everything. The saint who appeared in a dream to Timur said that first it is necessary to build a mausoleum over the grave of St. Arystan-Baba, and then over the grave of Kh.A. Yassavi. What Timur did. Therefore pilgrims are the first to visit the mausoleum of the teacher Arystan-baba, and then the mausoleum of Kh.A. Yassavi.

Жил на свете батыр Карахан. Он влюбился в девушку по имени Айша-Биби, дочь своего заклятого врага. Однажды, не надеясь получить благословение отца девушки, батыр Карахан ворвался в аул, схватил свою возлюбленную и умчался прочь. Отец девушки направил вслед за ними своих стражников и приказал убить обоих.

Устав за несколько дней непрерывной скачки, девушка решила искупаться в реке Асу, на берегу которой они остановились отдохнуть. Но стражники отца и тут подстерегли их. Они подложили в головной убор девушки - саукеле - маленькую степную гадюку. Она набросила на себя саукеле. Тут-то и ужалила ее проклятая змея. Айша-Биби потеряла сознание, и по всему было видно, что она умирает.

На том месте, где умерла Айша-Биби, позднее был построен мазар. Рядом с ним Карахан построил и себе мазар, чтобы после смерти быть вместе с любимой. До последних своих дней батыр Карахан, одетый в белые одежды, жил недалеко от могилы Айша-Биби, охраняя ее, молясь богу и прося у него прощения.

There lived in the world batyr Karakhan. He fell in love with a girl named Aisha-Bibi, the daughter of her sworn enemy. Once, not hoping to receive the blessing of the father of the girl, the batyr Karahan burst into the village, grabbed his beloved, and rushed away. The girl's father sent his guards after them and ordered them to be killed.

 Tired for several days of continuous racing, the girl decided to swim in the river Asu, on the shore of which they stopped to rest. But his father's guards were waiting for them. They put in the headdress of a girl - saukele - a small steppe viper. She threw a saukele on herself. It was then that her damned serpent stung. Aisha-Bibi lost consciousness, and it was evident that she was dying.

At the place where Aisha-Bibi died, a mazar was later built. Next to him Karahan built himself a mazar, so that after death he should be with his beloved. Until the last days, batyr Karakhan, dressed in white clothes, lived near the grave of Aisha-Bibi, guarding her, praying to God and begging his forgiveness.

В живописном парке Панфиловцев города Алматы расположилось уникальное архитектурное строение - Кафедральный собор Зенкова (Вознесенский собор). Этот исторический памятник считается одной из главных достопримечательностей города. Инициаторами постройки храма выступили епископы Туркестана и Ташкента в самом начале XIX столетия. За проект взялись лучшие инженеры и архитекторы К.А. Борисоглебский, Н.И. Степанов, С.К. Тропаревский, и А.П. Зенков. В 1903 году проект утвердили, и с 1904 по 1907 год шло строительство собора. Руководил всеми работами А.П. Зенков.

Отличительной чертой этого деревянного строения является то, что оно было возведено по уникальной старинной технологии – практически без гвоздей. Пятиглавый и трехпридельный собор с пристроенной колокольней вошел в восьмерку самых высоких зданий мира, полностью возведенных из дерева.

In the picturesque park of Panfilov residents of Almaty, there is a unique architectural structure - the Cathedral of Zenkov (Ascension Cathedral). This historic monument is considered one of the main attractions of the city. The initiators of the construction of the temple were the bishops of Turkestan and Tashkent at the very beginning of the XIX century. The best engineers and architects KA took the project. Borisoglebsky, N.I. Stepanov, S.K. Troparevsky, and A.P. Zenkov. In 1903 the project was approved, and from 1904 to 1907 the construction of the cathedral was underway. All the works were supervised by A.P. Zenkov.

A distinctive feature of this wooden structure is that it was erected by a unique ancient technology - practically without nails. The five-domed and three-primal cathedral with the attached bell tower entered the top eight of the world's tallest buildings, completely built of wood.

Heritage- наследие

Elaborate- разработать

Soul- душа

Nobility- благородство

Contribution- вклад

Achievement- достижение

Initiative- инициатива

Spiritual- духовный

Preservation- сохранение

Restoration- восстановление

Revival- возрождение

Trend- направление

Heritage- наследие

Elaborate- разработать

Soul- душа

Nobility- благородство

Contribution- вклад

Achievement- достижение

Initiative- инициатива

Spiritual- духовный

Preservation- сохранение

Restoration- восстановление

Revival- возрождение

Trend- направление


Settlement- поселение

Barrows- курганы

Significance- значение

Elaboration- разработка

Abroad- за границей

Restore- восстанавливать

Create- творить

Unique- уникальный

Archive- архив

Reveal- обнаруживать

Value- ценность

Rare- редкий

Adoption- принятие


Settlement- поселение

Barrows- курганы

Significance- значение

Elaboration- разработка

Abroad- за границей

Restore- восстанавливать

Create- творить

Unique- уникальный

Archive- архив

Reveal- обнаруживать

Value- ценность

Rare- редкий

Adoption- принятие


Settlement- поселение

Barrows- курганы

Significance- значение

Elaboration- разработка

Abroad- за границей

Restore- восстанавливать

Create- творить

Unique- уникальный

Archive- архив

Reveal- обнаруживать

Value- ценность

Rare- редкий

Adoption- принятие

Курсы повышения квалификации

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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