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Методическая разработка на тему: " Международная организация гражданской авиации"

Методическая разработка на тему: " Международная организация гражданской авиации"


Содержимое разработки

International Civil Aviation Organization

I. Read the proper names and international words:

France, Bangkok, Dakar, Lima, Mexico City, Nairobi agency, serious aspects, emission, passenger security, air transport standards, regional offices, initiative, assembly.

II. Read and translate the text:

The founding of ICAO in 1944 contributed to the establishment of the United Nation system in 1945. Nowadays ICAO is one of the largest and most successful agencies of the United Nations and includes 185 Contracting States. In the years of its existence ICAO has made an outstanding contribution to the development of international civil aviation. It has developed a lot of annexes to the Chicago Convention dealing with a variety of disciplines. The standards contained in these annexes are applied universally. ICAO paid attention to serious aspects of civil aviation, such as aircraft noise, aircraft engine emission and a need to ensure passenger and aircraft security. Under ICAO's global leadership engine noise levels and aircraft engine emission were greatly reduced. ICAO has been developing international air transport standards and serves as the medium for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation. It has seven regional offices in the world -in Bangkok, Cairo, Dakar, Lima, Mexico City, Nairobi and Paris.

Russia joined ICAO in 1970.Our country plays a considerable role in the activities of this organization. Russian representatives are regularly elected to the ICAO Council; they come out with important initiatives at the Organization assemblies. The main efforts of our country as well as other Contracting States are directed at rising the level of flight operating safety on the global scale.

IV. Exercises

1. Give the equivalents:

  1. cooperation

  2. existence

  3. attention

  4. ensure

  5. representative

  6. apply

  7. activity

  8. medium

  9. reduce

  10. emission

  1. внимание

  2. представитель

  3. средство

  4. снижать

  5. выхлопы

  6. существование

  7. обеспечивать

  8. сотрудничество

  9. применять

  10. деятельность

2. Use the prepositions: at, as, for, in, of, to, with, under

  1. ICAO contributed ... the establishment... the United Nation system.

  2. The engine noise levels were greatly reduced ... ICAO' s leadership.

  3. ICAO serves ... the medium ... cooperation ... Civil Aviation.

  4. The Russian representatives come out... important initiatives ... the ICAO' s assemblies

3. Use the words: medium, successful, contribution, annexes, efforts

  1. ICAO has made an outstanding ... to the development of Civil Aviation.

  2. Nowadays ICAO is one of the most... agencies of the United Nations.

  3. ICAO serves as the ... for cooperation in all fields of Civil Aviation.

  4. The main ... of all Contracting States are directed at rising the levels of flight operating safety.

  5. ICAO has developed a lot of... to the Chicago Convention.

4. Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets

    1. In 1944 700 participants from 52 countries (to attend) the Chicago Conference.

    2. At present ICAO (to have) 7 regional offices in the world.

    3. Dr. Albert Roper of France (to be) the first Secretary General of ICAO.

    4. Nowadays ICAO (to pay) attention to serious aspects of civil aviation.

    5. Our country (to join) ICAO in 1970.

    6. Russia (to play) a considerable role in the activities of ICAO.

    7. The Chicago Conference (to begin) its work on the 1st of November and (to end) on the 7th of December 1944.

5. Answer the questions:

    1. When and where was ICAO founded?

    2. What was its purpose?

    3. How many states attended the Chicago Conference?

    4. What was signed at the Chicago Conference?

    5. Who was the first President of the ICAO Council?

    6. How many Contracting States does ICAO include nowadays?

    7. Where is the ICAO headquarters situated?

    8. When did Russia join ICAO?

9.What is the most prestigious award in the world of Civil Aviation?

10. What Russian aircraft designer was presented the Edward Warner Award?

6. Which of the following statements are true or false?

  1. The Convention on International Civil Aviation included the constitution of ICAO.

  2. The purpose of ICAO was the struggle for peace.

  3. Dr.Albert Roper was the first President of the ICAO Council.

  4. Under ICAO's leadership engine noise levels were greatly reduced.

  5. ICAO has developed the international railway transport standards.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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