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Контрольно-измерительный материал по английскому языку для 7 класса "Schools and schooling"

Материал представлzет собой контрольную работу, которая позволит проверить знания обучающихся по аудированию, чтению, лексике и грамматике в результате изучения темы " Schools and schooling"( УМК Афанасьевой "Rainbow English")


Содержимое разработки

Test 1. Unit 1. Schools and schooling.

Задание 1. Listening.

Вы услышите интервью со школьником. В заданиях 1-5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) At school Arthur likes______ best of all.

a)the teachers b)the computer room c)science lessons

2) Miss Barlow…

a)is often tired of life b)never gets angry c)often feels nervous

3.Arthur makes very many mistakes when he __________.

a)does tests b)explains rules c)takes exams

4.Arthur thinks that __________should be better.

a)the computer room b) the Spanish classroom c)the photography classroom

5. Arthur would like to learn_______.

a)German and photography b)Spanish and photography c)computer studies and Spanish

Задание 2. Reading.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений (1-7) соответствуют содержанию текста( True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end of each term students get their marks and report card from their teachers.

American students have rather many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks of spring vacation, two weeks of Christmas vacation and three months of summer vacation.

American schoolchildren have four years of high school. In the first two years of high school, they have fairly many exams. Each student takes exams in English and mathematics, but they are not very difficult. In the last two years American students prepare for college.

People usually say that American school life is not very hard.

high school(in America)-старшие классы в Америке

  1. The American school year is longer than the English school year.______

  2. Teaches give marks to their students at the end of each term.________

  3. American pupils have four vacations during the school year.________

  4. Every child in America goes to high school._________

  5. English and mathematics are the most important subject for everybody._______

  6. American students take some exams during the last year of their schooling.______

  7. American students have a fairly easy life.________

Задание 3. Grammar.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) There are ________brushes and paints in my backpack.

a) any b) a c) some

2) Are there ______rulers on the desk?

a) some b)a c) any

3) I’d like to buy _____new backpack.

a) a b)any c)some

4) There ____a pair of old glasses on the table.

a) was b)were

5) I _________ (not pay) much money for this book.

a)not pay b)didn’t pay c)didn’t paid

6) Physics _____his favourite subject.

a)are b)is c)am

7)When I was a pupil, I _____(do)Maths well.

a)do b)did c)does

Задание 4. Vocabulary.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1)Linda has got a very good _______of paintings.

a)collect b)collection c)collector

2)Jeremy is really good at computer studies. I’m proud _____him.

a)of b)with c)at

3)Don’t _________a lie. I wasn’t there at five.

a)speak b)say c)tell d)talk

4)Our classes are______. We can go home.

a)for b)over c)from

5)Grace doesn’t ______German well.

a)speak b)talk c)say d)tell

6)I hope I will talk him________ learning Chinese. It can help him in the future.

a)back b)into c) out of d)over

7)I don’t understand the programme. Let’s talk it _________.

a)into b)over c)out of d)back

8) Listen! This is my favourite _____of music.

a) piece b)pair c)couple

9)My sisters like to ______about the latest films.

a)say b)talk c)speak d)tell

10)Never talk _______to your grandparents.

a)into b)out of c)over d) back

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