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Контрольная работа по чтению The animal world of Florida is very rich

Контрольная работа по чтению

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The animal world of Florida is very rich.

Florida is rich in wildlife of all kinds. Of all the animals that are found in the United States, more than half of them are found in and around Florida. State laws protect some animals. Spe­cial attention 1 ____________________________________, bald eagle, pelican, sea turtle, and por­poise.

The manatee is a large sea animal. It isn't afraid 2_______________________________________________. Its greatest danger is a motorboat. There are rivers where motorboats are not allowed so they are safe for the manatee. Bald eagles like the Florida climate, but as people population grows, eagles have fewer places to build the nests where they live. The popula­tion of these large birds is becoming smaller. The Miami Audubon Society operates A Bald Eagle Hotel, 3_____________________________________________.

Sea turtles have a protected place on Hutchinson Island where they can lay their eggs and where their babies can grow. Each mother may lay as many as 150 eggs. After the mother goes back to the sea, workers from the Turtle Hatchery pick up the eggs and protect them until the babies come out of their eggs. The babies are protected until 4_________________________________________.

People who fish see a lot of pelicans. This large sea bird is an excellent fisherman. But sometimes it doesn't want to fish, 5_____________________________________________. There it can eat the heads and insides that are thrown into the water.

Porpoises are hurt by fishermen who use large nets and trap them by acci­dent. These fishlike animals are like dolphins. They are found in the wild, but they also 6______________________________________________________. They are also used in many scientific projects. Sometimes scientists decide that the porpoises are more clever than the scientists who study them! Porpoises are playful animals; people can ride on their backs without fear.

  1. is paid to the manatee

  2. they can swim out to sea

  3. do tricks in shows around the world

  4. combined with others

  5. of people and often plays with swimmers

  6. so it hangs out near docks where fishermen clean their fish

  7. where people take care of eagles that are hurt







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