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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе Тема урока: «Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation»

Тема урока: « Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation». Модуль 9, English in Use. Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation».

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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе

Тема урока: «Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation»

УМК Ваулина Ю.Е., О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight - 7")

Тема урока: « Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation». Модуль 9, English in Use.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Shops and shopping: giving and receiving presents and showing appreciation».

Задачи урока:

1) Образовательные:

- совершенствование фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков;

- развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения;

- активизация лексических и грамматических навыков.

2) Развивающие:

- развитие способности вступать в иноязычное общение; развитие способности логического изложения мыслей; развитие навыка языковой догадки; развитие психических функций обучающихся (память, мышление, внимание), эмоциональной сферы, прогнозирования, рефлексии; формирование межличностного общения в ролевой игре.

3) Воспитательные:

- формирование положительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка; формирование потребности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре; формирование познавательной активности.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная.

Оборудование и наглядность: учебник «Spotlight - 7», компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданием.

Ход урока

1. Introduction.

Good afternoon, everyone! I’m glad to see you all again. We’ve got some guests today. Dear guests, welcome to our English lesson! OK. And now let’s start.

2. Identifying the topic of the lesson.

Pupils, try to guess our today’s topic. Please look at the slide. There are some phrases. Read them silently, and then who can read the phrases aloud?

What are they about? Of course, when someone gets a present. Do you like giving or getting presents?

3. Warming-up.

As you know? We have to go shopping if we want to choose and buy a present.

Pupils answer the following questions:

1) Who usually goes shopping in your family?

2) Do you often go shopping?

3) When did you go shopping last time?

4) Who did you go shopping with?

4. Phonetic exercise: SB ex. 4, p. 92. Listening for the sounds and words, repeating them.

5. Lexical activities.

There are different kinds of shops. And you know their names. What are their names? Very good, you know a lot of different shops. There is a game «Guess the shop». Are you ready to play with me?

Objects and shops. Teacher: a necklace – Pupil: Jeweller’s.

6. Checking up the homework.

It’s time to check your homework. Take your cards. What presents would you like to buy in the pet shop? And so on. Swap the cards with your deskmate, please. Look through the list and say: What presents are the most unusual/ useful/useless/interesting/desirable?

Pet shop

Clothes shop

Toy shop


Stationery shop




Electronics shop

7. Listening.

SB ex. 6, p. 89. Listen to Robert and Marie talking about shopping. Get ready to answer the question: What presents and where did each of the children buy?

Pupil: Robert – a recipe book – in the bookshop.

8. Action time (2 min).

9. Grammar revision.

Well, presents can differ in shape, size, colour or material. You should remember the order of adjectives if you describe any object.

SB p. 92. Choose an item in the picture to describe it.

10. Listening.

Our next task is to listen to the dialogues on p. 92, ex. 1. The dialogues are between an uncle and his nephew and niece. Which present needs to be exchanged? Listen again and repeat some sentences.

11. Reading. Discussing.

Pairwork. Read these dialogues by roles. Mind the intonation.

Find the sentences:

1) Try it and see if it fits.

2) It really suits you.

3) It matches the colour of your eyes.

Lexical activity: What are their meanings? Look at the slide and do the task.

12. Speaking.

What words or phrases in these dialogues will you use to express your admiration? thanks?

13. Speaking (Dialogue speech)/ Writing.

Pupils write down the chart to act out the conversation in pairs. Pupils change their partners and roles.

14. Homework.

Roleplay. Make up two dialogues using the chart and act out them in pairs. Don’t forget to change roles.

15. The conclusion of the lesson. Reflexion.

Teacher: Pupils, can you express thanks and admiration? Where can you apply knowledge that you have got today? Well done! Your marks for the lesson are …

That’s all for today. Goodbye!

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