Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Проверочные работы  /  5 класс  /  Годовая контрольная работа по грамматике для 5 класса

Годовая контрольная работа по грамматике для 5 класса

Годовая контрольная работа по грамматике для 5 класса (базовый и повышенный уровни)

Содержимое разработки

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы) 5 _______класса _______________________________________________________________ дата: ____________

Учитель________________________________________________ Навыки: грамматика


1. Выбери подходящий вариант ответа. 1 верный ответ – 1 балл

1. The water is cold today, you _____ swim.

16. The girl,___ is singing now, is my cousin.

a) couldn’t

a) mustn’t

b) don’t have to

a) whose b) who

c) which

2. She_________ to school on Sundays.

17. My little sister ______ her glass of milk yet.

a) didn’t go

b) will not go

c) doesn’t go

a) isn’t drinking

b) must drink

c) hasn’t drunk

3. - _____ I go out?

18. You need ______ eggs to cook the cake.

a) should

b) could

c) may

a) few

b) a few

c) little

4. This puppy is the ______________ of all.

19. What ___ you ____ last Sunday?

a) funny

b) more funny

c) funniest

a) did, buy

b) did, bought

c) did, be

5. I’m sure I _____ to speak French soon.

20. He ____ speak three foreign languages now.

a) can

b) able

c) shall be able

a) can

b) was able to

c) could

6. I can’t make the pie, we have very ___ sugar

21. She looks _______ today.

a) few

b) little

c) a little

a) beautiful

b) beautifully

7. We _____ all the bananas!

22. She can write________.

a) ate

b) have eaten

c) eaten

a) good

b) well

8. It____ for 3 hours.

a) is raining b) has rained c) will rain

9. There are_____ of different birds in the world.

a) hundred b) hundreds c) million

10. He ____ this coat every winter.

a) wears b) is wearing c) wore

11. What ____ this word ________?

a) does, mean b) is meant c) is meaning

12. She read well last year, ______?

a) did she b) hasn’t she c) didn’t she

13. What are you doing this weekend? – I____ ______ to London

a) shall be able b) shall go c) am going

14. The train ____ at 5 o’clock. We must hurry!

a) leaves b) will leave c) is going to leave

15. I have taught English ____ 5 years.

a) for b) since c) four

23. What ______interesting information!

a) - b) a c) the

24. My hair ______ brown.

a) are b) - c) is

25. You________ get up early. It’s Sunday.

a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) can’t

26. She _____ go to the doctor. She was ill.

a) must b) had to c) has to

27. Tomorrow he ____ come on time to catch the train.

a) must b) had to c) will have to

28. 5. Everybody _______ it is funny.

a) think b) thinks c) is thinking

29. Where ________ the police?

a) is b) are

30. ____ like cheese.

a) mousis b) mice c) mouses /30

2. Напишите артикли a/an, the, где необходимо. 1 верный ответ – 1 балл

1. Once there lived ____ king. ____ king had ____ daughter. They lived in ____ very beautiful palace. ____ palace was on ____ Thames.

2. In ____ 1620 ____ “Mayflower” brought 102 English men, women and children to ____ North-east of ____ America.

3. He is seriously ill. What ____ sad news! Is he at ____ home?

4. ____Westminster Abbey is near ____ Houses of ____Parliament. It’s near____ Thames, too.

5. ____ British Isles are separated from ____ continent by ____ North Sea.

6. Let’s go to ____ Central Park. What ____ good idea! Shall we go there by ____ bus or by ____ car? Have you ever visited ____ National Gallery?

7. ____ Mike’s uncle has ____ very interesting job. He often goes to ____ China. - Does he? Is he ____ discoverer? Does he study____ Pacific Ocean?

8. ____ last Friday ____ Mr. West received ____ letter from ____ police. ____ letter was short.

9. Don’t believe him. He can tell ____ lie. Can he? I think he always tells ____ truth.

10. Why are you speaking in ____ weak voice?

11. His new film was____ success. /38

3. Вставьте many, much 1 верный ответ – 1 балл

1. How _______________ food did they bring?

2. How_______________ meals a day do you have?

3. We didn’t have _______________ time.

4. They have too _______________ furniture in the room.

5. There were not _______________ people in the church. /5


4. Поставь глагол в скобках в правильную форму одного из следующих времен: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple. 1 верный ответ – 2 балла

1. ____________you ever __________________ (eat) milk pudding? When _______you ______ (eat) it?

2. How long ______________________ you_________________________________ (live) in this house?

3. My brother _____________ (every day / meet) with his friend________________________________.

4. I promise, I____________________________________________________ (read) this story tomorrow.

5. Kate ___________________________________________________________ (already / see) this film.

6. Will you water the flowers, please? It ____________________________________ (not/rain) yesterday.

7. He _____________________________________________________________ (just/tell) me the news.

8. Mark ________________________________________________ (not/ yet /finish) his essay_________.

9. Look! ____________________she _______________________________________ (sing) a new song?

10. I _____________________________________________________ (work) in the hospital for 50 years.

11. He ________________________________________________________ (be) to Africa since last June.


5. Напиши вопросы к предложениям. 1 верный ответ – 2 балла

  1. They are going to come at 6 o’clock. ___________________________________________

  2. Peter gave her the book. ______________________________________________________

  3. The Browns will buy a new computer. __________________________________________

  4. They had to meet them at the airport. ___________________________________________

  5. She teaches English. ________________________________________________________


6. Допишите разделительный вопрос 1 верный ответ – 1 балл

  1. There was something you wanted to tell me,____________?

  2. There was nobody in the room,_______________________?

  3. He has never been to Asia,___________________________?

  4. You have had the computer for two years,_______________________?

  5. They had a good time there, _________________?

  6. I am a great singer,_______________?

  7. They want to go to Siberia, _____________________?

  8. This is the Mississippi River____________________?

  9. These are your photos,_________________________? /9

7. Напишите предложения в будущем и прошедшем времени. 1 верный ответ – 2 балла

  1. I can’t follow your advice. _________________________________________________


  1. She can speak to him. _____________________________________________________


  1. They must invite their friends. _______________________________________________


4. Can they move into a new flat? ______________________________________________


5. You mustn’t go there alone. _______________________________________________

























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