Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Моя любимая книга"

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Моя любимая книга"

Урок позволит расширить кругозор учащихся.

Описание разработки

Цель занятия : формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, знакомство с миром книги, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Задачи занятия:


1. Закрепить лексический материал по теме "Моя любимая книга";

2. Продолжать формировать навыки аудирования;

3. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по те ме «Описание книги».


1. Научить приёмам работы с монологом;

2. Тренировать применение конструкции "I agree", "I disagree".


1. Способствовать развитию интеллектуальной, эмоцио нальной, мотивационной сферы личности учащегося;

2. Формировать пространственное воображение и мыш ление в процессе работы с картинками.

Иллюстративный материал: презентация Microsoft Power Point

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент (слайд 1)

– Today you will learn about the British teenagers if they visit libraries and what books they usually read. Then you will read a passage from a book and learn to describe it using the plan.

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Моя любимая книга

2. Фонетическая зарядка

– As usual, we start with a tongue twister. Let’s revise the previous one. Look at the picture (cлайд 3)

Three grey……in a green field ……,

Grey were the …… and green was the ……

Keys: geese; grazing; geese; grazing.

– Complete the tongue twister. Read it in a natural manner.

Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Who is

the winner?

Don’t look at the blackboard, recite the tongue twister by heart.

3. Речевая разминка (слайды 5-14)

- Take the cards on your desks. Read the statements and say If you agree or disagree with them. Use the expressions in Brackets.

На карточках:

Agree or disagree. Use “Yes, it’s quite right”, “I’m afraid it’s not true”.

Полную информацию смотрите в файле. 

Содержимое разработки

Тема занятия: " ЛЮБИМАЯ КНИГА"

Цель занятия : формирование коммуникативной компетенции

учащихся, знакомство с миром книги, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Задачи занятия:


1. Закрепить лексический материал по теме "Моя

любимая книга";

2. Продолжать формировать навыки аудирования;

3. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по те-

ме «Описание книги».


1. Научить приёмам работы с монологом;

2.Тренировать применение конструкции "I agree",

"I disagree".


1.Способствовать развитию интеллектуальной, эмоцио-

нальной, мотивационной сферы личности учащегося;

2.Формировать пространственное воображение и мыш-

ление в процессе работы с картинками.

Иллюстративный материал: презентация Microsoft Power Point

Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент (слайд 1)

– Today you will learn about the British teenagers if they visit libraries and what books they usually read. Then you will read a passage from a book and learn to describe it using the plan.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

– As usual, we start with a tongue twister. Let’s revise the previous one. Look at the picture (cлайд 3)

Three grey……in a green field ……,

Grey were the …… and green was the ……

Keys: geese; grazing; geese; grazing.

– Complete the tongue twister. Read it in a natural manner.

Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Who is

the winner?

  • Don’t look at the blackboard, recite the tongue twister by


3.Речевая разминка (слайды 5-14)

- Take the cards on your desks. Read the statements and say

If you agree or disagree with them. Use the expressions in


На карточках:

Agree or disagree. Use “Yes, it’s quite right”, “I’m afraid it’s

not true”.

  1. Your favourite writer is Arthur Conan Doyle.

  2. You prefer reading teen magazines to book.

  3. You have no books at home at all.

  4. You often borrow books from your school library.

  5. Your mother is fond of love stories.

  6. Your friends often borrow books from your school library.

  7. Your school library is very big.

  8. Your favourite character is Frodo from “The Lord of The Rings”.

  9. You would like to be a writer.

If you were a writer you would create historical


4.Обучение аудированию

– Would you like to know what British teenagers like to read?

Look at the photos on p.84 and answer the questions in ex. 108.

Try to guess if you are not sure.

- Listen to what Mrs Swan, the librarian, says about the school

library and British teenagers. Check if you were right.

- Listen again and give the answers to the questions.


1.They use the library to do their homework or to do a pro-

ject on a subject.

2.Yes, they do. They also have lessons in the library.

3.They borrow books for pleasure.

4.Yes, they do. But if they have some difficulties in finding books,

teachers support them.

  1. British teenagers prefer to read horror, fantastic books and books on UFO’s.

_ Look at the pictures again. Answer the questions in ex. 110.

_ So, what can you find different or similar in the libraries in

Russia and in Britain?

Do Russian teenagers prefer to read the same books as British


How often do you go to the library?

Do you take books only for literature classes?

Do you prefer to visit your school or local library?

_ Let’s have a rest now. Stand up, please.

5.Физкультминутка. (слайд 15)

I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest, stand up, class.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes

Ears, eyes and nose.

6.Подготовка монологического высказывания. (слайд 16)

_ Now you will learn to retell the context of the book. See ex. 111

on p. 84. Here is a passage from” The Headless Ghost” by Pete

Johnson. Look at the cover of the book and the title.

Try to predict what this book is about. Use the phrases” In my opi

nion/ to my mind the book is about…”

_ Read the text and see if you were right. Say what the ghost wan-

ted to say. ( The ghost wanted to say that the young people were

in danger.)

_ You are quite right. Use the plan below the text and prepare its

retelling. Work in groups of four or five. Take the beginning,

the middle part or the ending of the plan and get ready to retell

the text.

Учитель распределяет между школьниками, какую часть

текста они будут готовить для пересказа.

_ Group 1 will speak about the title, author, the main idea and

what the author starts telling us about.

Group 2 will retell the contents of the text.

Group 3 will make the conclusion and express their opinion about

the text.

_ Now you are welcome. Begin retelling the text.

Примерный ответ:

The passage is from the book “Headless Ghost”. The book was

written by Pete Johnson. The text is about ghosts. The main

idea of the text is that even ghosts may help people and prevent

dangerous situations. It means that friendship has no boarders.

… The author starts telling us about what ghosts can can do. He

describes the ghosts as capable of smiling and talking. The main

characters are two young people Grant and Jill and a ghost.

… The author also says that a ghost can warn about an accident.

According to the text Jill and Grant are in the park discussing

ghost. The text goes on to say that suddenly the ghost appears in

front of their eyes. In conclusion the author says that the ghost

warns the characters of the dangerous situation.

I found the text interesting, even exciting and easy to understand.

_ At home prepare another story to retell.

7.Подведение итогов урока.

_ What new information have you learnt today?

Was it interesting to learn what British teenagers prefer to read?

Have you got any difficulties retelling the text?

Thank you for your work.

You may go.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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Helen, 13.03.2016 22:40