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Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Великий гений - Чарли Чаплин"

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I. Introduction

Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people and always was. There are lots of famous British musicians, sportsmen, scientists, writers, explorers, actors and so on. I learnt much about outstanding people of all times and nations during my English lessons, learnt many interesting facts about their biographies, but I’ve heard very little of some English actors.

So, the essential question (the object) I put forward for my research was: to learn something about Charlie Chaplin. I decided to name my project «The unique genius- Charlie Chaplin» The main aim of my project is to learn some facts about the famous English actor Charlie Chaplin:

to find information about this famous man;

to analyze all the facts I could find;

to find out if Charlie Chaplin really influenced the world cinema development;

to increase/activate vocabulary;

to improve English language

II. Basic part.

The most successful comedian of all time went by the name of Charlie Chaplin. It was said by many that Charlie Chaplin was the creator of comedy, while others considered him a genius. Charlie Chaplin could make people laugh even with no sound.

And even though his films were black and white he put a lot of color into everyone’s life. Charlie Chaplin was a man with many talents and despite his rough childhood he strived to become the legend he is today.

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку Великий гений - Чарли Чаплин

The creator of comedy was born in London in April of 1889. His parents, Charles Chaplin and Hanna Hill were music hall entertainers but separated shortly after Charlie was born, leaving Hanna to provide for her children. Unfortunately his father died of alcoholism in 1901 and his mother became ill, constantly going in and out of mental institutions.

Chaplin lived his childhood in and out of run-down furnished rooms, state poorhouses, and an orphanage. His childhood was marked by poverty, cruelty, hunger, and loneliness- subjects which became major themes in his silent comedies.

At the age of twenty, Charlie came to the United States and begun his career as a top comedian. Although most of us recognize him as only a comedian, Charlie was much more. He was the first, and to date the last, person to control every aspect of the filmaking process- founding his own studio, United Artists and producing, casting directing, writing, scoring, and editing the movies he stared in.

Charlie Chaplin was taught to sing before he could talk and danced just as soon as he could walk. At a very young age Chaplin was told that he would become the most famous person in the world. A sign of this was when he was five years old and sang for his mother on stage after she became ill and taken for crazy. The audience apparently loved him and hurled their money onto the stage.

By the age of ten, Charles was a skilled singer, acrobat, juggler, pantomime, and comic improvisor. From the ages of twelve to fourteen, Charlie’s places of employment included a barbershop, stationary store, doctor’s office, glass factory and printing plant.

Many average boys his age didn’t even have a job. Charlie’s big escape from poverty was through theatre, whereby the age of sixteen he was playing the featured role in the production of Sherlock Holmes.

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Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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