Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Конспект урока по английскому языку "Тhe problem of ecology"

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Тhe problem of ecology"

Урок позволит обогатить знания учащихся о проблемах экологии.

Описание разработки


to revise new vocabulary on the topic of environment; to enrich pupil’s knowledge with new words, to bring up the feeling of love for their country.

Ход урока.

1. Organization moment.

2. Teacher. Today the ecological situation of our region is at a critical point. Our lives depend on the state of our living place. We have learnt about the environment and we have read text. And now we should do many tasks at the lesson. You must be active. I want to begin our lesson with the words of John Kennedy, he was 35th president of the United States of America:

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country”

John F. Kennedy

(Оқушыларға қайталатып, мағынасын түсіндіреді. )

We will work in the following way: I will be the owner of the bank. You will be my share holders. If you want to buy a share you should do my tasks. There are 3 levels in each task:

the 1st level is not difficult, its price is - $3 yellow colour tokens

the 2nd level is more difficult, its price is - $4 blue colour tokens

the 3rd level is the most difficult, its price is - $5 red colour tokens

After each answer you may take these cards. At the end of our lesson I offer all of you to count your dollars.

(Оқушылардың білімдері жинаған долларының құнына байланысы белгіленеді)

$15- жоғары: 5; $10- жоғары: 4; $- төмен: 3.

So, let’s begin.

3. Task №1

1 Level. Write the following to the given categories:

Lake, flowers, sea, fauna, forest, petrol, litter, pollutants, garbage, land, river, flora, plants, soil, oil.

2 Level. Write the words.

3 Level. Match the words.

Task №2

1 Level. Put the words into correct column.

Little, pollute, harm, suffer, river, organism, environment, to drink, to face, preserve, cut.

Конспект урока по английскому языку Тhe problem of ecology

2 Level. Give synonyms.

1. littler –

2. harm –

3. around –

4. drinkable

5. land –

6. effect –

7. dangerous –

8. protect –

3 Level. Give antonyms.

1. healthy –

2. clean 

3. dangerous –

4. living things –

5. harm –

6. agree –

Task №3

1 Level. Read the text “The problem of ecology” on p. 67.

2 Level. Write the sentences: what we should and shouldn’t do to protect our environment.

2 Level. Translate the sentences and write them in your notebook:

1. Біз қоршаған ортаның мәселелерін талқыладық.

2. Өсімдікткрге, жануарларға, адамдарға таза су, таза ауа, таза жер қажет.

3. Біз табиғатты қорғауымыз қажет.

4. Ауа ластанған, сондықтан адамдар радиоактивті заттардан зардап шегуде.

5. Біз болашағымыз үшін күресуіміз керек.

4. Home task: words to remember, ex3, 4.

And now your results and marks too.

The lesson is over.

Thank you.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Б. Момышұлы атындағы шағын орталықты орта мектеп


Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі:

Есбергенова Жанна Ерлановна

Aims: to revise new vocabulary on the topic of environment; to enrich pupil’s knowledge with new words, to bring up the feeling of love for their country.

Type of lesson: “The stock of knowledge”.

Methods: question-answer, complex work, individual work.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

  2. Teacher. Today the ecological situation of our region is at a critical point. Our lives depend on the state of our living place. We have learnt about the environment and we have read text. And now we should do many tasks at the lesson. You must be active. I want to begin our lesson with the words of John Kennedy, he was 35th president of the United States of America:

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you country”

John F. Kennedy

(Оқушыларға қайталатып, мағынасын түсіндіреді.)

We will work in the following way: I will be the owner of the bank. You will be my share holders. If you want to buy a share you should do my tasks. There are 3 levels in each task:

the 1st level is not difficult, its price is - $3 yellow colour tokens

the 2nd level is more difficult, its price is - $4 blue colour tokens

the 3rd level is the most difficult, its price is - $5 red colour tokens

After each answer you may take these cards. At the end of our lesson I offer all of you to count your dollars.

(Оқушылардың білімдері жинаған долларының құнына байланысы белгіленеді)

$15- жоғары: 5; $10- жоғары: 4; $- төмен: 3.

So, let’s begin.

III. Task #1

1 Level. Write the following to the given categories:

Lake, flowers, sea, fauna, forest, petrol, litter, pollutants, garbage, land, river, flora, plants, soil, oil.




2 Level. Write the words.

Living things

Non- living things

3 Level. Match the words

  1. resources

  1. қоршаған орта

  1. influence

  1. жақсарту, жетілу

  1. improve

  1. әсре ету

  1. environment

  1. қор

  1. threat

  1. қауіп төну

  1. deprive

  1. қауіпті

  1. dangerous

  1. айыру

  1. suffer

  1. айнала

  1. protect

  1. азап шегу

  1. surround

  1. қорғау

Task #2

1 Level. Put the words into correct column.

Little, pollute, harm, suffer, river, organism, environment, to drink, to face, preserve, cut



2 Level. Give synonyms.

  1. littler –

  2. harm –

  3. around –

  4. drinkable –

  5. land –

  6. effect –

  7. dangerous –

  8. protect –

3 Level. Give antonyms.

  1. healthy –

  2. clean

  3. dangerous –

  4. living things –

  5. harm –

  6. agree –

Task #3

1 Level. Read the text “The problem of ecology” on p.67.

2 Level. Write the sentences: what we should and shouldn’t do to protect our environment.

2 Level. Translate the sentences and write them in your notebook:

  1. Біз қоршаған ортаның мәселелерін талқыладық.

  2. Өсімдікткрге, жануарларға, адамдарға таза су, таза ауа, таза жер қажет.

  3. Біз табиғатты қорғауымыз қажет.

  4. Ауа ластанған, сондықтан адамдар радиоактивті заттардан зардап шегуде.

5. Біз болашағымыз үшін күресуіміз керек.

IV. Home task: words to remember, ex3, 4.

And now your results and marks too.

The lesson is over.

Thank you.

Жамбыл облысы,

Т. Рысқұлов ауданы.

Каменка ауылы

Б. Момышұлы

атындағы шағын

орталықты орта мектеп

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Тhe problem of ecology" (51 КB)

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